Unemployment crew check in

Discussion in 'General' started by Volcano South, Dec 2, 2009.

  1. Wish my job would fire me so I could collect unemployment
  2. you mean lay you off..if you get fired you cant collect unemployment. besides....theres nothing fun about it.

    anyways add me to the list. i got the axe last week :smoke:
  3. My husband's been on unemployment since last December...what a relief they're giving extensions or we'd be screwed by now. We're in Michigan and he's been an excavator since he was 17 yrs old...all he knows...but ya certainly can't prep land for houses if nobody's building. Why build when ya can just snatch up a foreclosed home for next to nothing? This state is so fucked up right now :mad:
  4. just got off unemployment a couple weeks ago, i was on it for about 9 months.
  5. yeah shit is not easy.im just wondering how long all of this is going to last.
  6. Been collecting on and off, depending on the extensions, since 2007, and should be getting it until March or April. Total is 99 weeks, and there may be more extensions.

    Hopefully, they'll approve an extension to COBRA healthcare benefits also.
  7. unemployed straight up gangster here (a broke one).
  8. Truth.

    Truth truth truth truth.

    Wish I could turn back the hands of time and SAVE SAVE SAVE money while I was BLOW BLOW BLOWING it.
  9. ye man im reppin the 'on the dole' crew here in the UK, so hard to find any permanent manual labour jobs though, i might try n get a qualification of some sort
  10. Laid off for the winter months here.
  11. Laid off like everyone else just for a few months then im switchin jobs!

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