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Unemployed potheads part2

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by potsmoker2, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. #1 potsmoker2, Feb 6, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 6, 2011
    Last one got deleted for some reason. Anyway this thread is dedicated to potheads who smoke all day, play videogames, and order dominoes pizza. useless stoners unite :smoking:
    edit: pothead students welcome as well!

  2. No stoner is useless, I believe even though unemployed potsmokers are some of the most unproductive people (in the case that they aren't trying to find a job), they serve the purpose of being a statistic: How many people smoke even though it is illegal.
  3. i remember that thread it was a good 1 and fun to read haha.

    but yea i only work partime, droped out of highschool and play videogames and smoke during my free time. savin up for a car, then finishing school, then gettin a real job! and makin makin real money!
  4. dude, i just ordered dominos!
  5. whats there to celebrate
  6. I'm jelly.

    Enjoy staying home and toking up.
  7. does it count if i'm a part-time temp, who does all that shit after noon?
  8. lets see im a part time cook make good money to support my habbit had to borrow 250 from my dads becuse we did not get payed today witch pissed me off i am getting a mflb and a 35 sack lol
  9. If you're one of those "unproductive unemployed" stoners then SMH...

  10. haha nice! i've been ordering pizza hut lately mainly for their wings mmmm

    smoking pot all day and not caring about anything but smoking pot and chilling.
  11. i would love to just have like 50000 and just chill for like a year lol no job no nothing just weed my crew tv and video games lol

  12. my parents are well off to say the very least. I'll take 200 a week for sitting on my ass and smoking pot! i really can't complain.
  13. oooooh. this post is a game changer. now we are talking about something completely different. you have a job: mooching.

    as much as i want to stay positive, i really can't respect that.
  14. haha ^

    full time student + bud smoker + Computer/video games + surfing

    easy lyfeeeee

  15. Haha, don't really give a damn if you respect me. actually, i don't give a damn about anything! i'm stoned 24/7!
  16. Man I've ordered Domino's 3 times in the past week! Full time student though...:smoke:

  17. I swear it's addictive pizza, it really is. I've been hitting up taco bell alot lately too.
  18. You don't feel any need to go out and be independent? I feel bad asking my mom for 20 bucks to buy food, yet you got no problem getting 2 bills from your parents to spend on bud. To each his own I guess..

  19. you wanna hurt me? go right ahead if it makes you feel any better, i'm an easy target ,ya you're right i smoke too much, i also listen too much.I could be a cold hearted cynic like you, but i dont like to hurt peoples feelings, you think what you want about me, im not changing, i like...i like me,my family likes me, my friends like me ,cuz im the real article, what you see is what you get.:smoking:

  20. i respect you man

    hey whoever is giving him flak, jealousy

    yeah were all jealous of him, lucky guy :D

    but he got lucky, respect his luck, theres always gunna be some lucky ones. lets celebrate life:hello:

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