Understanding Based God by NPR

Discussion in 'Music genres, Bands and Artists' started by mos_def, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. #1 mos_def, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Lil B: Understanding Rap's New Rebel : The Record : NPR

  2. over hyped publicity, Dude sucks. Justin beiber sells out concerts so he's in the same league. He reminds me of lil wayne on sizurp when he raps.

  3. I enjoy BasedGod, the article was very informative
  4. I guess its informative if you wanna believe it, in all reality its just a clever marketing scheme.

  5. dude has been on his grind since he was like 15..he's only 19 and has his own book out already, has made over 1000 songs, you gotta at least respect he's putting in work!
  6. #6 jdkwtd, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Same here bro. Besides I dont think lil b is rich enough to have npr make up some marketing scheme for him. Hes not mainstream yet.
  7. #7 Hydroriffic, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    You misunderstood me completely. I was talking about the "based god" following. I respect him as a artist but he's just not my taste when i wanna listen to hiphop, he's mediocre at best and uses this based god stuff to cover up the fact he cant rap as good as others.

  8. If you want to listen to hip hop, you don't listen to Based music, you listen to BlackStar, Common, Lupe, Yeezy, any number of other rappers. Lil B has created a whole new genre imo.

  9. To me it sounds like the punk rock version of hip hop.
  10. I thought that was a great article, however, the overall message I got is that if Lil B were truly approached with an offer to sell his soul for a record deal, he would do it. If he's really for world peace he wouldn't but idk he'd probably take the quick buck

    thats a fucking terrible scheme to ploy on the ignorance of today's youth, damn him for making money for that, fuck, if I didn't have morals I could be a reckless asshole too

  11. just because he's for world peace doesn't mean he can' take the money :confused:
    i'm not understanding what world peace has to do with anything.
    world peace is a concept that's NEVER going to realized..well at least not until everyone accepts BasedGod.
  12. "By technical hip-hop standards some of Lil B's rapping is close to horrible, sloppy and off beat or thematically incoherent."

    That pretty much sums up lil b.

  13. key word *technical*

    since when has art ever been judged technically?
    you can't judge van Gogh or micheal jackson technically!
    it's all in the eye of the beholder, what's beautiful to some is ugly to others.
    you don't have to like lil b, but you don't have to hate him!
  14. #14 jdkwtd, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011
    Exactly. And whats wrong with being about world peace and accepting the money? As long as he still makes music that he likes to make he will be fine.

    "What I rap for? Everything / I want bling bling and world peace."
  15. Technical skill is a part of just about all music. Not necessarily all art, but all music at one point gets judged technically. Michael Jackson was certainly judged technically, as is Lil B and he's terrible. You're a fan of him so obviously you're gonna try and make it out like he isn't bad, but he is. You may like him, but that doesn't mean he makes good rap....

  16. There are other rappers who could be technically judged as bad, but are still respected in the hip hop community and still make dope music. Lil B has a message, hes great to all his fans and takes the time to respond to their comments. He is presenting a positive message in an interesting way. So who cares if he isn't technically good? Punk Rock wasn't considered technically good when it came out, but people still enjoy it. I think this once again boils down to music being subjective.

  17. bingo!
  18. Enjoyment in music, sure, but that doesn't make a bad rapper good. It just makes him enjoyable...

    really what you said there was that he is bad but it shouldn't matter if you enjoy him. I'm not debating that, I'm just stating that he's a terrible rapper, which he is and you pretty much just agreed with....

  19. See thats where the technical part comes in. Was Ol Dirty Bastard technically a bad rapper? Sure. But he brought energy to his music and a lot of charisma and was dope a fuck. Biz Markie sang the chorus terribly on Just a Friend, but that chorus is catchy and fun to sing to. And many people enjoy that song even though it technically doesn't sound good. Who cares man it's whatever you like.
  20. Great article. His music sounds good to me so I don't give a fuck. I really like Lil B.

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