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Undercover Cop (Narc)

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Scimitars of Drizzt, Feb 4, 2010.

  1. beat the fuck outta him and then you'll know if hes a narc lol;):p:rolleyes:
  2. Hell man I wouldn't talk to anyone unless I've known them for a little while at least or I know they smoke weed. I usually don't want people to know that I smoke (not that I'm embarrassed, just word travels fast).
  3. Narcs Usually Will:

    -Want to make the deal within the hour or
    Wish to set an exact time to make the deal

    -Try to control most aspects of the deal

    -Not be available to make a deal on short notice

    -Use pressure tactics if you're unsure about making the deal

    -Offer to pay alot

    Try to buy as much as they possibly can

    Become pushy if you brush off the deal or delay it

    hope this helped. and narcs do smoke weed to get you to trust them...........

  4. Your not obligated to get the kid a sack or let him use your piece. If you don't like him simply don't go out of your way to help him.
  5. all I have to say is.. wow..

  6. this!
  7. if it were me and he wasn't a complete tool, i'd just say i'm dry when he asks... and that my guy was busted a couple days ago. ;)

    ... then watch his reaction. if he looks like he's remotely glad of that, well, i'd think he's a narc.

    personally, i'd think this is just a case of some dumb kid thinking that it's all groovy and cool to advertise that he's a dope-fiend. honestly not the kind of person i like to hang out with (yanno, there are these things called lives and they don't have to revolve around weed.)
  8. Narcs are often exempt from laws governing possession and use of drugs when they're working, allows them to do whatever they have to do to infiltrate a group and get poor stoners busted.

    However in this case, it sounds like the kid just didn't consider subtlety when looking for a connect at his new school, and his eagerness probably got that rumor started about him. The thing about him telling different people different hometowns is definitely sketchy though.
  9. may not be a nark, but he may have gotten into trouble and is trying to make a deal to save his own ass. i know a skecth sketch ass noob who got caught and my friend got taken outta his house by the mp's, luckily my friend dosnt even smoke no more so he passed the drug tests. but the kid is so presestant on buying "marijuana" and "pot" and when i say if i went to school id have 20 connects he dosnt respond.

    also hes a LINGERER like hardcore hell stand there for hours just looking at you not saying a word
  10. all you have to do is ask how many kids hes busted. if he looks scared or nervous then you will know. im pretty sure cops don't have 16 year old narcs, because of the risks. i would bet hes not, but i would bet that hes being forced to rat someone out to get out of his own trouble or something.

  11. I've only been positive that I've known one undercover. He was very creepy, gave me a really weird vibe. I could feel how nervous he was to be around a bunch of kids of acid, while they smoked pot.
    He also asked alot of questions and when he did toke he'd take one hit and tell us "how high he was".

    He would just show up, without calling or knowing anyone. We would ask him for his number and he gave us it, but one night when we were partying i noticed that he had TWO cell phones, different ones. Once i told my friends what i had saw, they told him he creeped everyone out and we never saw him again. However, we heard from a few other friends that he had been involved in busting this one big dealer.

    He went beyond just noobish, he crossed into the realm of completely fucking weird.
  12. I'm pretty sure you can't be working undercover for cops if you're under 18. Plus, why the fuck would they infilitrate a fucking high school in Canada of all places? I've heard of paranoia but holy shit.
  13. What does is that supposed to mean? Canada has some of the best weed, especially down in British Columbia. It is one of the biggest stoner countries in the world..

  14. heheh, i wouldn't be surprised if they were doing that though... Harper's government is more crooked than Nixon's
  15. I think its just a kid who is new and dry. Many of us have been there, dont lie.

    If that is how my tax dollars were being spent I would be pissed. Hiring cops to go rooting around in smoking circles of a high school. cmon srsly?
  16. #56 Fuckeroni, Feb 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2010
    in that case id say not a cop, just a bad liar. when a cop goes in undercover ANYWHERE, they will usually have their story straight and pretty well thought out, and they tell everyone the same shit for realism and to keep their cover. an undercover cop wouldnt slip up like that, especially not about something as simple as a location.

    BUT that doesnt mean he isnt up to no good...
  17. #57 purplenuggets, Feb 5, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2010
    He's not an actual cop; if anything he's a confidential informant (known as a CI). This means that the cops caught him doing something illegal (probably a weed related felony) and offered to overlook it if he became an informant. Either that, or it's some stoner who gets a sick laugh out of seeing other stoners get busted. Or he's a dealer from the town over looking to get the dealer in your town busted to expand his operation. Or he's trying to rob your dealer and is digging up information about him. But, he's probably an informant.

    A confidential informant is a very powerful tool for LEOs, since they can do many things that cops can but can also do things that cops cannot. Smoking weed isn't surprising, since he probably got busted for smoking it. But, a confidential informant will buy from their target enough times to gain sufficient information about and trust within the distribution ring. Once he has enough information and evidence (the buds he's buying) then the police will get a warrant issued from a court to raid your dealer's house. If he doesn't have enough information about the dealer, then the police will get a warrant for YOUR arrest (they already can; selling to a CI once is enough for a warrant usually) and the CI will set you up during a delivery. You will be arrested, and guess what? you are now in the same situation that the CI was in when he became a narc. They will hit you with every felony that they can, and put you on the spot to set up your own dealer. If you refuse, then have fun in county. But if you accept, then they will possibly wire you up (depending on the nature of the dealer) and drive you to the dealer's house so that you can pick up from him, and they can raid his house and bust him.

    Definitely confront the kid, asking if he's a "confidential informant." If he is, then he will shit bricks because you know the exact phrase to describe what he is (all cops refer to their narcs as CI's). Make sure to do it in the most threatening way that you can (without violence) so that he will quit doing whatever it is that he's doing with the police. I would NEVER give him any information or bud again, unless he proves WITHOUT A DOUBT (I'm not using this term loosely) that he isn't with the police. But whatever you do, I would keep a low profile for a while, especially if you have a criminal record. Remember, they're trying to bring down your dealer and his dealer and his dealer; you're only an obstacle in the way of that.

    Stay straight, the feds are watching. (probably just local PD)
  18. wow never new narcs could blaze... what a great job that would be:cool:
  19. Thanks this was pretty helpful. I had already known that he wasn't actually a cop, and he was probably busted for weed related issues (like you stated). One of my buddies told me that he probably got caught by the cops, and was sent in as a narc. I just never knew the exact name, which is CI. But today was fine he never talked to me or nothing, and I only saw him once. Some other kids said they same him walking across the street alone and he looked pretty sketchy, but I don't know I wasn't there.
  20. lol dude you are super paranoid. now its weird because they saw him walking somewhere alone? wtf? lol. he isnt a narc

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