Undercover alien spy

Discussion in 'General' started by fukface, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. If you were sent here from another planet to check out humans, what would you put in your report?

    My initial report:

    The girls have some interesting features. I shall explore them some more. Some humans inhale smoke from plants. I shall also explore this some more. All in all, these fucking creatures are weird!
  2. #2 iiLLmatic, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    wow, united states is full of assholes. those chinese people are smart as hell, and they love their anime. those vietmeninese people are always fucking fighting. the russians are just cold bastards. africans practically live in their own world, nobody really cares because they do it to themselves. australia...sometimes i forget they exist (except when steve irwin is on tv). south america is where the coke comes from

    a brief synopsis
  3. these fuckers spend more time paying attention to the things they dont like then the things they do
  4. their planet is in a bad way...over populated under rescourced, they have some of our people in area 51..they no longer watch saturday night fever- with the star role and our god- john travolta..and the bee gees are no longer popular...
  5. Experiment failed. Subjects express a high amount of stupidity and anger. It's almost as if they enjoy their misery.

    Ps: it's the Japanese that has anime.
  6. Kill it with fire?
  7. Watched Transformers... laughed my ass off.
  8. What the fuck guys? I crashed here in the 40's and you're just now picking me up? Do you know how shitty New Mexico is?!
  9. i can be positive on nothing until i probe their assholes...
  10. Bunch of high horse primates, most of which who talk to an imaginary guy in the sky.
  11. All forces move in. DOOM!

  12. Starfleet to scoutship, please give your position, Over.
    I'm in orbit around the third planet from the star called the sun. Over.
    You mean its the earth? Over.
    Positive. It is known to have some form of intelligent species. Over.
    I think we should take a look.

    Strange beautiful grass of green,
    With your majestic silver seas
    Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer
    May I land my kinky machine

    Strange beautiful grass of green,
    With your majestic silver seas
    Your mysterious mountains I wish to see closer
    May I land my kinky machine

    Although your world wonders me,
    With your majestic and superior cackling hen
    Your people I do not understand,
    So to you I shall put an end
  13. This species is not yet ready. We will monitor their progress and return. I will take samples of all genetic material as this planet is in a prime location for habitation if the dominant species fails to advanced beyond their current nature.

  14. This exact phrase has prob been said before by real aliens.
  15. Just as we expected, no signs of intelligent life. Abort mission.
  16. Report

    Tested items 1B365~1NYU7 on three other humans of different origin and tests showed negative for first 30 minutes. Minimal side effects occurred thereafter.

    Advise: Close monitoring of species till they have evolved into either "Prime Beta" or "Prime Delta". Planet class has been re-classified to "Mostly Harmless".


    Had to have one little Douglas Adams one in there lol
  17. "Our women are better. They have three breasts and longer tongues."
  18. The weather here is nice. No mercury rain and hot ice. Saw Men in Black last night on TNT. We gotta get the fuck out of here. Will Smith DOES NOT fuck around. Dont wanna stick around for Independence day tonight.

    They are fighting over crazy bullshit, and they have rules for almost everything. A detailed system of fucking retards. highways with numbers and exits, with people in cars with license plates and id's and registrations..

    these people are clearly obsessed with making things up. ;)
  19. #19 fourtwozer0, Jan 28, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 28, 2011
    Failed attempt at life. filled with greed, hate, and envy. Must invade to show a way of life, seeing as theyre too stubborn / hard headed to better the world for themselves. All they live for is this so called '$$$' which is entirely just paper? with no value what-so-ever.

    But besides that... Landed in a field with green leafy trees... looked kind of odd to me....So... I (sniff)) smoked it (sniff) and guess how I felt Very good. I took some for myself. Back to my spaceship, I gave some to my family. They say, "(Sniff, ahh) what you call this?" weed...


    HAHAHhahahaaaaaaaa a detailed system of fuckin retards. Pretty much wraps it up in a nutshell, love your response

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