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Uncooked Firecracker Journal

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by arewenotmen, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Sunday afternoon I made a firecracker with the uncooked method from the sticky'd post in this forum. I used the same brand of peanut butter as pictured, and 1g of mids. I have a very low tolerance for cannabis. I allowed the cracker to sit for 4 days, and I consumed it about 5 minutes ago. I want to make this thread to help answer the question of whether or not the uncooked preparation works. My results won't work for 100% of everyone, but if it works, that means that it isn't necessarily a waste of bud. I'll keep this thread updated often over the next few hours with my "condition" :smoke:
  2. 45 minutes in, not feeling anything yet.
  3. It won't waste 100% of the bud, you should feel something in the end, but it won't compare to a properly prepared edible. Firecrackers, especially those requiring no heat, were created for people who for whatever reason, have either limited or no access to the materials needed for a proper batch of canna or hash oil, and for those who can't risk others smelling their medicine. It's a worst-case scenario edible, but they work in the long run.
    That it's been 45 minutes and you don't feel anything, would indicate the material was likely not as readily available to your body as it could have been, but by the two hour mark you should be well on your way. And by the end of it you should probably feel buzzy and happy :)
  4. About an hour in, my whole body feels pretty warm. I'm definitely not anywhere near "high" yet, but it's giving me some hope. :D
  5. It's been about 2.5 hours, and I really don't feel much now. It seems that I either didn't make them right, or it doesn't work.
  6. of course it doesnt work well. maybe u should do some actuall research on the subject.
  7. It's better than half g stuffed in a piece of bread! That gives me an idea though... Time to break out the bread-maker! :smoke:
  8. I assumed that a thread that the mods thought was good enough to be sticky'd would be reliable. That being said, I also asked in more than a few threads on the edibles board. Unfortunately, following the sticky's instructions didn't work.

    There's really no reason to be a dick. Do you realize that this whole thread was basically research itself? Sorry I'm not as knowledgeable as you are about edibles. Maybe you should learn how to spell. Thanks.
  9. You gotta cook em man, uncooked edibles take forever.
  10. Yeah. Most of the posts I read here said 3 days to a week. One said overnight, a couple said longer periods than a week. I decided to go with 4 days, right in the middle. I could try again, leaving them longer, but I don't feel like taking shit from people for trying to help other people definitively figure out what works and what doesn't. Not worth it to me.

  11. By any chance was it in a ziplock bag or any other near air tight contaninor? All of my friends dud firecrackers were in plastic bags. So im working on a therory here.
  12. the uncooked method would probably be a lot more effective if you dcarbed the bud a little before putting in the cracker (you can do it in a microwave) but I suppose it wouldn't be a uncooked edible.
  13. Yeah, it was in a Ziploc. I guess there could be a connection. As I've been told, though, I know nothing about firecrackers.

  14. just ate a firecracker i made 2 weeks ago. kept them in a ziplock bag, its been an hour in and so far there isn't anything much going on, just a little mood lift. its slowly creeping up on me now :D very slowly.
  15. Just Cook Them

    if you don't want the chance of being disappointed and wasting your herb,cook them. That's the only true way to know if they will work or not. Just stay up late one day and make em while everyone is asleep. They only smell like peanut butter and will not smell up your house. They won't even smell up your kitchen...

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