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UN Wants US to Repeal MJ Laws Due to Treaty!

Discussion in 'Marijuana Legalization' started by Storm Crow, Mar 19, 2023.

  1. Don't freak out- this is very unlikely happen! Actually, all it takes to get out of that 1961 treaty is "an instrument in writing" (aka a written letter).

    From the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, 1961- "Art. 46. -1. After the expiry of two years from the date of the coming into force of this Convention (article 41, paragraph 1) any Party may, on its own behalf or on behalf of a territory for which it has international responsibility, and which has withdrawn its consent given in accordance with article 42, denounce this Convention by an instrument in writing deposited with the Secretary-General.

    - 2. The denunciation, if received by the Secretary-General on or before the first day of July in any year, shall take effect on the first day of January in the succeeding year, and, if received after the first day of July, shall take effect as if it had been received on or before the first day of July in the succeeding year."

    So all we need is to find a politician bright enough to write a "Bye Felicia!" letter, and problem solved! (FYI- Uruguay already did it and has had no big problems from denouncing the treaty. See “Starting in Uruguay: Legal marijuana takes root in Latin America” )

    UN Suggests U.S. Federal Government Must Force States To Repeal Marijuana Legalization To Comply With International Treaty
    UN Suggests U.S. Federal Government Must Force States To Repeal Marijuana Legalization To Comply With International Treaty

    The United Nations’s (UN) drug control body is suggesting that the U.S. is out of compliance with a decades-old international drug treaty because the federal government is passively allowing states within the country to legalize marijuana.

    While the UN’s International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) has routinely criticized countries for allowing the enactment of cannabis legalization due to their obligations under the 1961 Single Convention to maintain prohibition, a section of the new annual report report it released last week stands out by appearing to indirectly address state-level reform efforts in the U.S.

    “In States with a federal structure, a special issue may arise with respect to whether the federal Government may be held accountable if a federated entity implements legalization, which violates the conventions, while the federal Government does not have the power to compel the federated entity to fulfill the treaty obligations,” the report says.

    INCB said the 1961 treaty mandates that member nations must “give effect to and carry out the provisions of this Convention within their own territories,” regardless of whether or not they have a constitutionally federalist system like in the U.S.

    The convention states that “unless a different intention appears from the treaty or is otherwise established, a treaty is binding upon each party in respect of its entire territory.” (snipped)

    Granny :wave:
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  2. Fuck the UN AND Government
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  3. Oh, God!!!!! I read that. What are people thinking??? Granny, do you know how many research papers on cannabis as an anti-cancer drug I have found??? A lot!!! Brain cancer, pancreatic cancer, two types of breast cancer, and small cell carcinoma otherwise known as lung cancer, I found one video on youtube that a woman had what she thought was a zit on the side of her face. It turned out to be cancer. She went through three cycles of chemo and cancer kept coming back. She was on palliative care when she had some cannabis for the pain and the cancer disappeared. She is in full remission now. I always thought the cure for cancer was out there, they just needed to find it. I believe that God puts plants on this Earth for a reason. And this is the reason He in His wisdom put cannabis on this Earth.
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  4. @OrionM42 Reefer madness at its finest! And what's weird, World Health Organization said this way back in 2004-
    “Actually, it has been proposed by WHO that Delta(9)-THC should be rescheduled to schedule IV of the United Nations Convention on Psychotropic Drugs, as it does not constitute a substantial risk to public health and its abuse is rare if at all.” Fro The good and the bad effects of (−) trans-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) on humans (abst - 2004) The good and the bad effects of (-) trans-delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Delta 9-THC) on humans - PubMed

    And you've set me off - it's not "just" cancer that cannabinoids can treat (as if that wouldn't be enough on its own!), but epilepsy, migraines, nausea, Parkinson's, schizophrenia, diabetes, Alzheimer's, fibromyalgia and many other conditions! But, I'm just going to focus on breast cancers and CBD, but I can do the same thing for a lot of conditions!

    Cannabidiol can do things to breast cancers that chemo can't do! (Emphasis in studies is mine)

    Pot compound seen as tool against cancer (news – 2012) Pot compound seen as tool against cancer (this article is easier reading than the study)

    “When McAllister and Desprez exposed the (“triple negative” breast cancer) cells to cannabidiol in a petri dish, the cells not only stopped acting "crazy" but they also started to revert to a normal state… The researchers stressed cannabidiol works only on cancer cells that have these high levels of ID-1 and these do not include all cancerous tumors but, rather, aggressive, metastatic cells. But they've found such high levels in leukemia, colorectal, pancreatic, lung, ovarian, brain and other cancers.”

    Now that 2012 article was based on a 2007 study.

    Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells. (full - 2007)

    “CBD represents the first nontoxic exogenous agent that can significantly decrease Id-1 expression in metastatic breast cancer cells leading to the down-regulation of tumor aggressiveness.”

    FIFTEEN YEARS later ( :bang:), the now-forgotten McAllister/Desprez study was repeated with the same amazing results!

    CBD Reverts the Mesenchymal Invasive Phenotype of Breast Cancer Cells Induced by the Inflammatory Cytokine IL-1β (full – 2020) CBD Reverts the Mesenchymal Invasive Phenotype of Breast Cancer Cells Induced by the Inflammatory Cytokine IL-1β where “We reported for the first time that CBD reverts the epithelial–mesenchymal transition induced by the inflammatory cytokine IL-1β, reprogramming invasive 6D cells to become cells with an epithelial phenotype.”

    And one last thing that CBD can do that chemotherapy can't do. Cancer tricks your body into making new blood vessels (angigenesis) to tumors giving them more food so the tumors can grow faster. CBD prevents the new blood vessels from forming.

    Cannabidiol inhibits angiogenesis by multiple mechanisms.
    (full – 2012) Cannabidiol inhibits angiogenesis by multiple mechanisms

    OK, I got things I need to do, so I'm signing off for today. But what CBD can do to breast cancers, it can do for some other, (but not all) cancers! You can learn more by going here-
    New 2022 Granny Storm Crow's List

    Granny :wave:

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  5. The UN is a hot mess. There's nothing they can do forcibly to make the USA or ANY country do something they don't want to do.
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  6. UN trying to force the Country to sign the treaty would then put the country back into its own sovereignty as it would not sign over the rights of that country to the UN treaty obligations and the UN cannot force a country to do so nor have any rights over a country to begin with irregardless of all the treaties we sign .
    there are only a few thousand DEA agents ... the UN would need to send in boatloads of UN soldiers to do anything about that , a few thousand of the DEA agents is not going to be able to make millions of Americans with access to cannabis not have that access somehow ... thy can just shout real loud and hope someone gets scared and gives up
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  7. Thanks for the links, Granny. I'll print them out and add them to my collection. Maybe you have to rub the evidence in their faces. :thankyou:
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  8. This the EXACT reason they want it banned, hard to regulate and control. Big pHARMa does not want that.
  9. Oh, Big Pharma will scream and shout about legal cannabis for a while. :mad:

    “U.S. cannabis laws projected to cost generic and brand pharmaceutical firms billions.” (PubMed - 2022) U.S. cannabis laws projected to cost generic and brand pharmaceutical firms billions

    BUT THEN, as soon as cannabis is off Schedule 1, Big Pharma will fire up their labs and start producing the "minor" cannabinoids, that are produced by the plant only in tiny amounts and that have many medical uses!

    THCV, as an example, has been shown to be useful for epilepsy, Parkinson's and as a weight loss drug! Any one of those uses could be worth a fortune to Big Pharma!

    So any damage to Big Pharma's profit margin, is only a short-term bobble, that will be more than made up for in the future! :coolalt:

    Granny :wave:
  10. See that is what I do not get! Big Pharma can make $$$ if they get on the wagon with this

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