um So I planted a seed as a joke and now its growing.. what do i do

Discussion in 'First Time Marijuana Growers' started by nyangeloxo, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. i found a seed in my last dub and i planted it in my flower pot with my poinsetta, i totally didnt think it was going to actually start growing and just today i went to water the poinsetta and theres a sprout sticking out of the side. so now of course i have to take care of it but i dont know what to do...i just stuck it in front of the window in the sunlight :-/
    can someone let me know how to grow this?? and have it grow smokeable wee?? and i dont want any pesticide crazy rat poisin chemical shit on it either.
    its beautiful and i want to keep it natural :) thank uu!

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  2. The first thing you need to do is get it out of that pot, and transplant it into its own pot before the roots get all tangled up with the other plant. And it's going to require way more than the little light it will get sitting on a windowsill. You're going to have to provide more light for it. Try reading the stickies about how to grow, and what lights to use. You have a variety of choices.
  3. You have zero chance of success, just flush it down the toilet now. Don't ever germinate a seed until you know what to do next and have everything on hand and set up. You've started a clock that cannot stop and wait for you. You planted it as joke -- so don't suddenly want to get serious about it just because it sprouted, just leave it be as a joke. If and when you are serious about growing you'll know to start at the beginning...
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  4. im gonna just say go for it OP. i mean, if its no loss in having a poor or no yield, then who cares, give it a shot :cool:

    i have 7-8 bag seeds and one of these days im gonna plant them in the woods in my backyard and see what happens because of it, i wont be mad if nothing happens but if i get a female or two no ones complaining :smoke:
  5. #5 Russy, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 5, 2011
    Pluck it and throw it away.. Invest in a grow set-up , or leave growing to the growers ! :wave:

    not the spirit of the city dood..
    any plant is better then none.
    didnt have to spost this

  6. #6 Ibogaine306, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011

    Dude, your a dick. :(


    Don't listen to the haters. You will more than likely fail, but to throw away that sprout would be to throw away a learning experience. It will be a little sprout for long enough that you can learn everything you need to know to keep it alive. Its a plant. If that poinsettia is not dead then I believe you may have a shot. Here's what I would do:

    Go to the store and buy one of those new light-bulbs that save energy. They are called Cf-l's or Compact Florescent lights. Aim for 22+ watts of actual wattage. (It will say as good as a standard xxx watt bulb. We don't care. We want to know the actual wattage of the bulb.) Get one of those bending desk lamps. Pick up a couple plastic pots. A very small pot to start in and a medium sized one for your first transplant. You can decide what size you'd like to finish with when you know more. Get a bag of soil. Make sure its just black earth. Don't get miracle grow soil. Don't get compost or composted manure. Black fucking earth dude.

    Don't even think about fertilizer until you know what you're doing. You will kill your plant.

    Other useful tools that aren't too expensive/are noob-proof but also aren't necessary to ensure emergency survival would include a cheapie thermometer/hydrometer combo unit and a cheapie light timer.

    First, prepare your small pot of soil. Do not pack the soil down. You want it to be airy. Most people add something to their soil to make it more airy, but you don't need to in your first pot. You will be learning all of this, right? (You have to do your homework or you will never succeed!) Water it, just until some comes out of the bottom. Then poke small hole down the middle of your pot. You want it to be about two or three inches deep.

    Moisten the soil of your poinsettia then gently unearth the sprout. I will stress gently. You can then transplant it into your pot. Press the soil down around the sprout but do not over-do it. Once this is done, place the sprout under your lamp ( Start with four inches away for a 22 watt bulb) in a warm place with regular humidity. Leave the lamp on 24/7. If you didn't kill it in the process, this should buy you at least two or three weeks.

    With these precious weeks I suggest you read as much as you can. Comb Grass City's Cultivation forums and read the FAQs and Teks. Get videos about growing cannabis. Get the Cannabis Grow Bible. Read, watch, listen to everything you can about growing weed.

    I don't think that this seed sprouted for nothing... Is that a sweet 6000 sq-ft hydropnic commercial grow I see in your future? Just maybe..

    name calling is not tolerated
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  7. I just gave the best advice for the situation ! Sorry if you were offended by it ! :p
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  8. So you think that throwing it away is the best way to achieve this? :confused:

  9. You helped him out ! He has a good start with the info you gave him... :wave:
  10. Way to take the wind out of my sails. Good luck OP.

  11. You're joking right? You could be the most negative person on this entire forum. That's like telling a child learning to walk "DON'T EVEN BOTHER WALKING, YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU'RE EVEN DOING"

    Dear OP: Marijuana is just a plant, its a weed. Grow it out, have fun with it. Don't expect high yields but do your best and educate yourself. Use this grow as a way to experiment to keep it alive and learn as much as possible. There is no point in flailing your arms up in disappointment because you are not as experienced as others.

    Dude, grow it out, post pictures, keep us updated.

    Toastybiz just thinks he's above everybody else, ignore him
  12. what if its the first of a new superstrain of the dankest dank that ever walked the earth. DO IT DUDE ITS YOUR DESTINY

  13. That Pretty much rules that out ! That part of the reason I advised him to rethink starting over with a small grow room If he wants to take a swing at growing..

    Chances are strong , that the mentioned seed from his sack was from a hermaphrodite plant, which would be prone to being a hermaphrodite again , So hes potentially wasting his time on weed that is going to seed up....

  14. I say go for it. Take the advice. Read up and use it as a learning tool. Why throw it away? Let him learn with something that's going to be less upsetting if it doesnt work out.If he gets a hermie at least he'll know what they look like.
  15. #15 Ibogaine306, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    That would be true if the seed came from a genetic hermaphrodite. Which is one of two possibilities. The other possibility is that the plant just has the genetic make-up that allows for it to become a hermaphrodite in situations that lead the plant to believe that reproduction is unlikely.

    Good that you bring it up though. By selective reading I missed that this was bag-seed.

    It's likely that either way, by nature or nurture, our new found grower will end up with a hermaphrodite. My first ever grow (I was a teenager then) I wound up with only three hermaphrodites and no females. It was exclusive to the lower branches, so I simply cut off all of the male growth. I did this once more when it started to heal, and then it simply gave up and produced excellent seedless bud in a more than reasonable quantities
    EDIT* These seeds were purchased at a local head shop, not bag-seed. I never bought another seed there, just in case it was them. It was probably me though.

    And even failing that how is seedy weed going to ruin the learning experience?
    I should think that having male and female flowers on the one plant he/she has would allow for a greater understanding of the plant in general. And watching a plant use one of the most amazing and foreign-seeming survival tools it has (the ability to change gender and self-pollinate!) is just amazing!

    Finally, I'll point out the obvious.

    Seedy weed > No weed

    So I think you should go rain on someone else's parade, regardless of your intention.
    This is not how we want fledgling growers to feel. Well... Its not how I want them to feel.


    If you think that bagseed is not capable of producing a dank strain, research chemdog.
    Here. First thing I found.
  16. I Guess Im just a Debbie Downer ! :confused_2::cry:

    I just a newbie, clearly your better equipped in every way to help this guy become a professional commercial grower !

    I will just be on my merry way now, good luck to all !

    Stay green ! :wave:

  17. Seriously, "leave growing to the growers"? This kid just wants to try his hand at growing a little bit of shit without buying a whole setup.

    I love how people can't just get down with an idea and give some REAL advice.

    You think that's real advice? He was asking what he could do to help it along without pesticides... not if he should throw it away and start over. He didn't intentionally do it and it may not be turn out to have good yield, but at least he can get some practice. Jeez.

    Besides, he threw it in a fucking pot and it took. Maybe he'll have good luck with keeping it alive too.
  18. #18 Ibogaine306, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 3, 2011
    Mmyess. She will go forth and spread dankness. [​IMG]

    Green all the way. :smoke:
  19. your plant will need 18 hours of light to grow. Go buy a cheap light (cfl) at hard ware store. And transplant it. Keep us updated.
  20. Don't confuse them. I'll bet they don't have a timer so its much easier to just leave the light on 24 hours a day. I'm not going to debate about the benefits of a dark period either. This is about keeping the plant alive while they learn.

    I have already given all the information you will need for that plant to survive aside from keep your cats/dogs away from the plant and never pee on your weed!:rolleyes: :D

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