Ultimatum: High or Sober for the rest of your life?

Discussion in 'General' started by averagetoker, Jan 28, 2011.

  1. You are smoking one day, in your normal place, everything seems normal. Then, the weed god appears out of the sky, in his brilliance, and puts on you an ultimatum, "Be high until you die, or never again!" He will supply you with all the weed you need for the rest of your life. Just a quick phone call, and your jar automatically refills, no hassle. But you have to be high 24/7 (sleep excluded). Otherwise, he will leave, and even if you tried smoking your friend's weed, you would never feel the effects of THC again. Ever. No matter what.

    Are you high for the rest of your life, or do you take the dirt road and sober up forever?
  2. High forever, as long as its not an intense high
  3. high forever.. id just smoke less when i had shit to do.
  4. high forever. i guess after a while of smoking that much i wouldnt really get high anymore so id be practically sober anyway
  5. If you were high 24/7 you wouldn't know the difference between being sober and being high because being high is the only state of mind you would be in for the rest of your life.
  6. exactly. are you down for an always high version of you to guide you through life?
  7. sober, you'd be stupid to seriously say high. unless you have MS or something that medicinally helps you

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