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Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Bunnyrabbitz, Dec 31, 2010.

  1. So. Whoever you live with/live at is saying no-no to the puffity pass! THATS A PROBLEM.
    This guide will show you how to stealth smoke.


    1. SPLOOF

    You make a sploof by stuffing dryer sheets in a toilet paper tube, and exhale into it. Here is a complete guide to making one:*pics*.html

    2. Smoke out your window

    Smoke out your window by exhaling hits outside. Also hold your pipe out the window. If a window is opening like a door then hold you piece on the other side and exhale strongly.


    Also leave windows open.

    Use a mild air fresherner. To much and they know somethings up.
    Also leaving the door open if no-one comes to your room is highly effective at eliminating smells.

    But the best, and easiest way to not get caught is... NOT SMOKING INSIDE!
    But some of us have to smoke inside so this is a guide for them.
  2. Add Stoner survival Kit

    Eye Drops, Gum, Febreeze/Axe whatever makes you or your location smell good.
    Baggies? Idfk. But I keep a stoner survival kit and I've been good.
  3. Not very ultimate

  4. Lol agreed
  5. all good tips. some points i can add:

    -sploofs are effective but for many can be a problem. if you have to throw it out and people find it you can be in trouble. or if you leave it in your area and they find it you are in trouble.

    -when taking hits out the window it is always best to use a pipe/bowl/spoon. take small hits. when you take these hits make sure your in control. not the weed.

    -if you have the cherry still lit after you took your hit simply put a coin or dime or anything over the bowl to stop the cherry from burning. you can also take the end of your lighter to your bowl and dig it in there to put it out.

    -try and figure out which way the wind blows. light your lighter and see which way it leans. if it leans more to a certain direction exhale more to that side. you DON'T want the wind to blow in all the smoke.

    -put everything away properly.
  6. Sploofs do not work for shit, I remember being 12. Anyone with half a brain and hasn't been sniffing glue for 20 years can figure out you were smoking. Even when you breathe out a window you can still smell it. Plus if you have your 18" green label roor sticking out your window, Mr. Brown living next door is going to be a bit sketched.

    Stealth smoking is based on luck, sometimes it works, only if no one happens to come in your room. In that case you might aswell bake it out anyway.
  7. very true.

    also if your smoking and immediatly stash everything's going to smell a little so your probably fucked.
  8. i live in a college dorm so whenever i smoke its gotta be stealthy. i find it best to open the window just a bit and i hold a lighter up to the crack and see if air is going in or out. if its going out all ya gotta do is hold the piece by the window and blow out the window, simple as that.

    if its blowing in then i usually just pack a small amount, like one hits worth. that way you can ensure that your piece wont still be smoking when your not using it, thats usually what causes most of the smell, and you can make sure it all gets out the window.

    Sploofs are useless and dont smoke joints or blunts inside.
    You dont really have to worry too much if your using a vape and its always good to have some air freshener or something to spray by the door and vents if you think your gettin smoke in the room.

    Thats all i got for my advice, hope it helps someone. peace:smoke:
  9. haha i have a green label mini roor, and i gotta say, smoking inside sucks. i always get caught. and i'm not n00b. i always blow the smoke outside, and clean the bong OR stash it in my bathroom shower. did i mention i'm in the basement and my mom still manages to smell it upstairs?!

    i leave the window open, AND my door (because air circulation is KEY) and still my mom can smell it and i get in deep shit.

    the only problem is IT'S FUCKING COLD OUTSIDE. so i don't want to go out! and i'm trying to conserve, so bong is my best choice. yet bringing my bong outside is very risky business!
  10. USE A CANDLE! like the ones in a dish so axe doesnt go everywhere. but this way you light your lighter once and from then on only have to pish down the red button(or whatever releasesthe gas) and it lights without noise!
  11. #11 FuegoNugs, Dec 31, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 31, 2010
    I had a window in my room, and never got caught smoking out of it.

    I've smoked blunts, bongs, bowls, joints... pretty much everything. My window slid left/right to open and close. I would leave just enough room for me to have my arms out of the window, take a hit, then continue to hold it outside.

    After every hit or two, I would take a bottle of Febreeze Air-Effects and spray a little... then continue to hit whatever I was smoking.

    Also, smoking out of bowls / bongs, the second you're done lighting it, just cover the bowl with the metal part of the lighter. It will stop smoke from leaking + put the cherry out.
  12. hell i just use a sploof and i have never been caught i put 3 dryer sheets and a wad of toilet papper almost no smell
  13. False. It can work if you take the necessesary precautions. For example, parents don't condone smoking in the house so when I do (in my attic room) open window, put in a window fan blowing outward, hit my bong or vape, blow everything and all smoke out window, when finished, spray febreeze out window fan, take fan out and close window (during winter) and am good to go. Been doin it daily for 3 years when parents have come up minutes after and never noticed a thing:hello: Just gotta be smart about it, and figure out a system that works, but a window fan is your best friend.
  14. You can blaze in your room, just keep the windows open, turn on the fan (if you have one) or just burn incense.
  15. Smoke in the shower.

    1)have all your neccesary items wrapped up underneath your clean clothes as you bring them into the bathroom.

    2) turn shower on. IF you have a window, open it.

    3) barracade the bottom of the door with clothes or towels.

    4) unload all your smoknig materials. Your best option is too use a small bong that bubbles quietly. Use a candle so you only have to light once. You can get a pack of birthday cake candles for like 2 bucks at dollar world or any party store.

    5) If you have a window, light up and blow your smoke out of it. If not, make a sploof and blow into that.

    6) when finished, take your shower.

    7) when out of the shower, pack your materials up in your dirty clothes, remove the clothes/towels from the door, and leave.

    8) ????

    9) PROFIT!!!1
  16. Sploof do work ive been smoking several years with them
    even smoked in science class with it (i was in the back)
    sometimes i even take a hit at my job indoors and noone unless they already smoked with a sploof will smell it

    sploof : Bounce dryer sheets x 7
    stuffed inside toilet paper roll

    and of course dont smoke one bowl in one puff
    smoke several tiny one-puffs and keep it until you black out
  17. ^^ I do that all the time! it works perfectly! you could also spray like you just took a dump. and that masks any of the smell. (if there is any) but I smoke in my room all the time and i do most of these things so it deff works.
  18. Whoever says sploofs don't work isn't making them right. If you use enough dryer sheets, and when I make mine I use quite a few, the room you're smoking in can actually smell better when you're finished. A well made sploof should last around a month, and I can't even tell you how many times that thing has saved my ass. I openly smoke in my basement all the time and it doesn't smell at all down there
  19. Another thing....
    Take a old rag thats not dirty and fold it up into quarters. Take your hit and hold the rag against your mouth tight and exhale all your smoke into it. I've found it helps some. Obviously not 100% effective but with some spray and a open window should be all good.
  20. this is an easy way to stealth smoke: i live in canada and it winter now so i cant have the window open so i have a short rubber tube that i put out my window, then shut it on the tube. take my bong pack one hitters and blow out through the tube. and 98% no smell during and within 10min there is no smell. i usually have something playing on my computer so my parents cant hear my bong. (usually stoner movies, so i can blame any sound heard on the movie) and i have incense burning while i smoke, to cover all the bases.

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