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Ultimate firecrackers

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by GanjaMaster23, Aug 1, 2012.

  1. #1 GanjaMaster23, Aug 1, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 1, 2012
    Hey everybody,

    I'm flying from New York to Zimbabwe tomorrow morning so I thought I would use the last of my stash to make some edibles. I decided to make some peanut butter and nutella firecrackers. I plan to eat a couple tomorrow morning before entering the airport and maybe saving the other two for when I return from this adventure. Anyways, I posted a pic below of the firecrackers before I put them in the oven. Each one has between .5 to 1 gram of herb. I'm looking forward to trying these things. Sorry for the poor quality photos. Have a stoney day!

  2. The bottom left one definately has at least a gram lol your quite literally going to be so high, and have a good time in zimbabwe too, im opting to make some canna oil and putting it in a milkshake for when i fly out to barbados :cool:
  3. Thanks man, I'm expecting quite a pleasant surprise, hahaha :)
  4. Update with results please OP
  5. Looks nice, but dont take them on the plane lol
  6. Yeah,bringing them on the plane is not a good idea.But what city are you flying into?My Mom was born there and I was just curious.

  7. I ended up eating one the night before and the other three over the course
    of the morning before I got to the airport. These things were killer. I was stoned for a solid 8 hours and had a relaxing flight to say the least :) Keep on blazin!

  8. Haha, yea. That probably wouldn't have been a good idea. This batch definitely
    had a pretty strong smell of nug :)

  9. Right on! I'm flying to Harare. My dad lives in a suburb of the city. Hopefully I can find some decent bud here :)
  10. I went there when I was a lot younger but I'm sure they have some decent bud.

  11. Yea, I've actually been able to get some decent bud so far. I'm traveling to South Africa on Friday and look forward to getting a hold of a few of the fire landrace strains available there :)
  12. Yeah!Durban is know for Durban Poison,very good strain.
  13. You will waste a LOT of potency by just using PB and Nutella alone especially if you use dank. You should of added a little spoon of cooking oil and a dab of butter.. and you would of been baked off your ass.

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