Uk stoners a question for ya

Discussion in 'General' started by Big.stu, Aug 21, 2018.

  1. With all the Cali weed floating about what do you guys think of it. I think it's way too over priced there a big hype for it but there's also a huge mark up on it I personally find they well grown uk bud is just as good as Cali weed. What do you guys think
  2. I've not seen any hype but is popular

    grow ya own and never consider such CrAp

    good luck
  3. There's a lot of hype on social media for it 90 quid for a 3.5g in a tin it's crazy best thing is tho you can buy the tins with labels on eBay lol
  4. £90 an 8th??? It must be London or some shit lol no one would pay that where I live man.. not when you could get a half oz of weed or an Oz of hash for that price

    I've heard of it on social media but never seen anyone selling that's local.. it could be any old shit they put in the tin though lol
  5. Yea man 90 for an 8th seen it on instagram and guys lapping it up it's not even London it's Belfast too man and have seen parts of England doing it also. You can buy them tins on eBay mate have a look it's ridiculous there was one guy over here putting any aul crap in a tin and charging 80 for it even seen 8ths of Paris og go for a fortune aswell man it's crazy I'd never pay it

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