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UK smoker - killer headaches

Discussion in 'Marijuana Consumption Q&A' started by Stealthpothead, May 31, 2019.

  1. Hi all

    Nice to see fellow potheadians!

    Sending nice vibes to you all.

    I have an issue with my cannabis life, for the last 6 months I've been having killer headaches.

    It's allways on the right hand side, around the temple area.
    I wake up with it, and go to bed with it, on the pain scale its about a 4, i take two ibrupofen and this seems to stop the pain for a few hours.

    I smoke between 3/6 spliffs to myself a day, on average about 0.5g in each spliff, rolled with hand rolling tobacco.

    What's causing this guys?? I have smoke bid for 15 years, and only the last 6 months has made it really uncomfortable.

    I smoke mainly haze, its good quality for the UK, but it's been 90% haze for the last year, I think this may be a factor.

    I just purchased some Cali weed, £50 for 8th, hoping that it's cleaner for me.
    I just want these headaches to stop so I can fully enjoy the flower.

    Any advice guys?

    Have a good day.
  2. I smoked spliffs for many years and can relate!
    recent break thrus in medicene have revealed how the tobacco carries the thc deep into the brain
    making that hit really heavy
    I went to vape the headaches eased over time
    but man I do enjoy a spliff

    maybe just maybe too much

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  3. Thanks, I think it maybe time for a break.
    Or find another way ha
  4. Try leaving out the tobacco.Have you tried edibles? Wondering if you would still get a headache from edibles. Good luck.
  5. Thanks, I have smoked the same brand for 15 years too, I just switched brands today to see of that helps , and only put a tiny amount in, that was half an hour ago, and I feel ok, the pains not there currently which is a good thing.

    Belive it or not I'm the biggest pot head I know and I've never tried edibles, not that i don't want too, its the having time to be spaced out for 2/3 days, I have a job i need to use my head for ha-ha
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