Uk outdoor grow 2017

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Outdoors' started by Hayden834, Aug 27, 2017.

  1. (First time growing) Hey guys, I decided to grab a trainwreck cutting off a friend back at the start of June unexpectedly. I couldn't decide where i was going to keep the plant as i didn't know how my neighbors would feel about me growing in the garden so it stayed indoors for just under a month. I eventually took it outside and potted it into a 12L pot with just a normal bag of compost soil (which i planned to keep in the whole time) and keeping it completely organic. It was far to late into the year to start really but seems to be doing ok with what sun we've had (Outside of london). I've forced it into flowering about 3 weeks ago (yet again far too late) and now hoping it will be okay to push it into mid October time and pray that no bud rot or early frost comes about. I'll post a few pics. What does everyone think? thanks guys! :D

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  2. Nice plant! I'm not familiar with your climate, but in mine (middle of USA), this plant wouldn't survive mid Oct.
  3. I'm hoping it wont get too humid this year for it, i'll see how far i can get it anyways but thanks man! :)

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