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UK MJ Laws

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Dubway, May 10, 2011.

  1. Helloo, i tried googleing this but i could not find any solid laws. So could any wiser folk from the UK help me out with the laws regarding the fine herb in the UK

  2. You can prety much smoke in public if your smart about it, the police will choose to confiscate rather than have to fill in all the paperwork.
  3. like most places, it depends on the cop

    usually they will just confiscate
  4. If you are smart you can smoke most places, cops will just take it off you - they give out 'Cannabis Warnings' now and you are allowed 3 of those before they put you over their knee and smack your bottom for being a very naughty stoner :bongin::bongin:

    Example for you - I was smoking in the Kensington Roof Gardens (Night club) last Saturday night and the bouncer came over for a chat, no issues. I most in most of the parks in London without ever being stopped - Warm sunny day and you will see loads of folk smoking.
  5. Pretty relaxed, everyone does it lol. I was really surprised at the amount of stoners round here. Anyway yeah as the above have said, usually a confiscation and you get 3 cannabis warnings.
  6. so i can just smoke and chill now its starting to hot up ?! thats good to know :D if im smoking and they decide to come over and confiscate, will they just confiscate what im smoking or will they search me and stuff ? Because whenever i go and pick up, i dont have a car and my guy lives in a kinda remote place, where buses only run every hour, so i always toke up with my new stash while im waiting for the bus (not at the bus stop obviously, there is a little green thing down the road), and i dont want them to take my new stash :( in the winter i smoke up with him in his house, but in the summer now i LOVE just sitting out on the grass with some fresh herb, and well... he doesnt really leave his house haha :D
  7. You will be fine - I have travelled around the world smoking dope for the last 16 years and have never been caught - just don't smoke up out the cop shop and you will be fine, how much will you pick up anyway?

  8. They're likley to search you if they catch you, but ive been toking up in public in england for like 5 years and never once been caught just dont be a douche about it
  9. The law

    Cannabis is a Class B drug - illegal to have, give away or sell. Possession can get you up to five years in jail. Supplying someone else, including your friends, can get you fourteen years and an unlimited fine.
    If you are caught with cannabis the police will always take action.


    If you’re caught with even a small amount of cannabis the police will confiscate the drug and you can be arrested. What the police will do depends on the circumstances and how old you are.
    Usually, you’ll get a cannabis warning if you’re 18 and over. If you’re under 18, you’ll get a reprimand and your parent or guardian will also be contacted. The police are more likely to arrest you if: you are blatantly smoking in public and/or have been caught with cannabis before.
    If you’re under 18, the second time you get caught you’re likely to get a final warning and be referred to a Youth Offending Team. If you’re 18 and over, the second time you get caught you’re likely to get a Penalty Notice of Disorder, which is an on-the-spot fine of £80. This gets logged on the Police National Computer.
    Regardless of how old you are, if you’re caught with cannabis for a third time it’s likely you will be arrested.
    If you continue to break the law, you can end up with a criminal record which could affect your chances of getting a job. It could also affect whether you can go on holiday to some countries.
    The maximum penalty for possession is five years in prison plus an unlimited fine.


    Dealing is a very serious offence.
    In the eyes of the law, this includes giving drugs to friends.
    People who grow cannabis in their homes or carry large amounts on them also risk being charged with intent to supply.
    The maximum penalty for supply is 14 years in prison plus an unlimited fine.

    Did you know?

    Drug driving is as illegal as drink driving. You could go to prison, get a heavy fine or be disqualified.
    Allowing people to take cannabis in your house or any other premises is illegal. If the police catch someone smoking cannabis in a club they can prosecute the landlord, club owner or person holding the party.Using cannabis to relieve pain is also an offence. Possession is illegal whatever you’re using it for.
  10. First result on :p
  11. 'Everything posted by rob11 is completely false' False or cut & paste? :D
  12. you sound like a very lucky man, travelling the world smoking the reefer :D Well im not picking up anytime soon as im on a t-break while i am doing my exams - A2's. But when they are done in like 4 weeks, im gonna go pick up an O. You reckon i should play it safe and either not toke up, or inside my mans house ?
  13. You serious ? im not being a troll, i genuinly did try and find the answer to this on google, but obviously... i suck at google :(
  14. The info's off anyway. You are an adult in UK law as soon as you hit 16. Under 16 your parents will be notified but over 16 you get your warnings etc.

    One of my mates' younger brother was caught under silly one-in-a-million circumstances. He got a warning letter from the court adressed to his name. Doesn't really matter though 'cause his parents took the liberty of opening the letter for him.

    He had a plastic bottle bong, the police drove past and he panicked and chucked it away. They thought he was littering and told him to go pick it up. For some reason he picked up the bottle bong instead of saying he tossed it too far away. Once they saw the bong they were like oh dear then and searched him and his older brother.

    Probably depends on the wonderful protector of the peace you get, but still don't be a tool and you won't get caught
  15. These cannabis warnings show up on Enhanced CRB checks so be wary.
  16. I'm sure thats incorrect, 18 is the age you are considered an adult.
    Either way, england is quite lax, just dont be that obvious about it or smoke in places that are to public, police dont like that!
    Just dont be stupid and you'll be cool :)
    Toke on :smoke:

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