The Home Office has tried to hide recommendations from its own panel of experts (ACMD) that cannabis should be decriminalised. Please give this a sign! Demand an Investigation into the Home Office's Cannabis Policy and Decision-Making | 38 Degrees
Tories are about stuffed, like the rest of the country, all the stoners I know have left for southern climes, as such this ain't going no place until they get a govt. that will er .........govern
I couldn’t agree more and if my kids weren’t at a specific stage of their education, I’d be off too. Portugal. I used to be a Labour Party member but quit a little while back. This lot are fucking awful too! Still, not a patch on the Tories but it seems like they are trying lol. Sign and share brother, sign and share.
ive never seen so many MPs in the government ,so bloody useless .tory or labour .a load of fuking idiots ...mac.
The Tories are morally bankrupt white-collar criminals, without a doubt. The current Labour Party seem to want to emulate them but they are still a million miles better. I hope to fuck they get elected, can you imagine what another term of the conservatives would do to this country that's already on its knees. The 99% at least... If Labour get elected I'm hoping they moderate some of the right-wing policies they are too terrified to challenge right now. They seem more intent on capturing swing Tory voters than keeping Labour ones. Luckily I'm in an extremely safe Labour seat, so I'm voting Green. That's where my heart lies. It's all about tactical voting now. Did you sign the petition and share?
Here’s the actual relevant pages of the report. They know the “harms” don’t match the punishment and now they know we know they know! Dropbox - mda psa 2016.pdf - Simplify your life