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Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by groprentice, Mar 26, 2012.

  1. I need a pick me up guys. the four plants ive slaved over are male. Is it really worth the money to get feminized seeds? I know there are banks out there but i dont know the first thing about getting them since alot of them dont ship to the US
  2. #2 trichome fiend, Mar 26, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 26, 2012
    The Attitude will deliver to the, "The Attitude Seeds" ...check out their 'pick and mix' to buy single seeds.
  3. thanks alot bro !!!
  4. ...don't forget to use their stealth mail options ;)
  5. I certainly did!!! Great site
  6. Got a sweet T-Shirt with my Guaranteed shipping from Attitude seeds. Not only did i get the 2 femmed strains that I ordered but sent me 5 others to try out!

    Also, to save yourself from further heartbreak when you have like 5 nodes or so, throw a paper bag over 1 branch of each plant (giving it 12/12) until it shows it's sex. After that you can either just keep the bag off and let it go back to vegging or chop it. That way you don't spend a whole month or 2 vegging a male before you flip the switch.
  7. I'd recommend Attitude due to personal experience.
  8. Thanks i will do that to save me the time and effort. It wont stress them doing the bag trick will it?
  9. Get clones if you are tired of wasting time sprouting males. Period.
  10. Oh man that sucks, I feel for ya. I have 4 Plush Berries going right now and I'll be pretty bummed if I don't atleast 1 lady.

    I've run fems once and got 2/2 fems with no hermi issues. Go with a good breeder and chances are you will be ok.

  11. I dont know where to get clones from in my area

  12. I wouldn't advise running clones anyway unless you get them from a verified source, like a close friend. Usually more hassle then good..bugs, mold, crap genetics, hermi tendencies, etc..

    Do your research and go with some good fem beans.
  13. #13 groprentice, Mar 27, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2012
    yeah im the only one i know that grows so clones are not a option. No offense to those that buy clones but I feel like its cheating lol. at least buying clones

  14. How is it cheating? Its a great way to keep a strain going once you've found the ones you like. You can clone yourself with plants you grow from seeds. All females and cloning is super easy and a HELL of a lot cheaper than continually buying overpriced seeds. ;)
  15. [quote name='"groprentice"']yeah im the only one i know that grows so clones are not a option. No offense to those that buy clones but I feel like its cheating lol. at least buying clones[/quote]

    Its not cheating lol. Your getting guarenteed females. Its a already sprouted plant. I recommend if urn growing from seed,let it be a mother plant and take clones from that. Greatly decreases the time of your grow.
  16. If I were to clone my own plants i would feel good about the work i put into it. Im just against buying clones. Plus I dont know anyone around here who has them
  17. I built this and it's pretty 11/11 or sometimes 1 doesn't make it but way better than rockwool.

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