UFO's shutting down nukes - for real...

Discussion in 'Pandora's Box' started by Senior PoopiePants, Sep 29, 2010.

  1. #1 Senior PoopiePants, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 18, 2012
    This is the real deal, folks.

    These US RETIRED EX-MILITARY officials are lucid, coherent, and just awesome. They talk about how UFO's shut down nukes at various Airforce bases in the US and around the world as well.

    They even say that they really believe that they are either "Extra-dimensional" or "Extraterrestrial" (quote).

    If you have time, watch them all, or just watch a few. It gets juicy at around the 3rd or fourth one (but they're all good).

    I couldn't believe the shit I was seeing - especially with a CNN logo in the video. Watch this shit! :hello:

  2. so those nukes are always online? i think that's worse than having aliens coming to shut em down
  3. What's wrong with having nuclear weapons on standby? Have you ever heard of mutually assured destruction? It would stand to reason that in order to carry out that policy you would also need nuclear weapons at your disposal.
  4. Where da space weed at.
  5. right? we need to leave some kinda message in the nukes coding systems like BRING US THA GANJA lol
  6. that's a very american point of view.
  7. 'Mutually assured destruction' is supposed to be a deterrent to nuclear war... How is that such a bad thing, or an 'American' point of view?

    They don't shoot at us because before we die, we will shoot at them. We don't shoot at them because before they die, they will shoot at us. It is a balance of powers.
  8. The ignorance in this post is astounding.
  9. subbin to watch this later
  10. the whole principle is based on threats. it doesn't make the world a safer place to have nukes everywhere to scare off your enemies.
  11. that's a very dickardly point of view.
  12. #12 Aquoz, Sep 29, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 29, 2010
    Alright, then let's hear a better alternative. Until you devise a method that can prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that every single nuclear weapon on this planet has been disassembled, then we'll never be more safe than we are now. Short of inspecting every little nook and cranny on this planet, you can't do that, so we're stuck with our MAD policy.

    If we were to destroy every single one of our nuclear weapons, then find out that North Korea hid a few, we would now be under complete control of North Korea. Just because you sign a piece of paper saying you'll do something that doesn't mean you'll actually do it. Sure, it's unfortunate that we're in a state like this, but once the nuclear weapons were created, it was already too late.

  13. Some people just dont know how the world works. In a perfect world yeh there would be no nukes and every country would get along, but thats not the case.

    I laughed at *American point of view*
  14. So, let me ask you this: If someone was to put a gun to your head, would you rather have a gun in your hand pointing back at them, or stand there defenseless and wait for them to pull the trigger?:rolleyes:

    It's not an "American" point of view, it's a point of view that the entire world has adopted. Maybe I could say ignorance is a "Dutch" point of view, but alas, i'm not that ignorant.
  15. Dude - you guys are missing the whole point of the thread.

    It's not even so much about the nukes themselves - it's about the fact that we are and have been visited.

    This is some heavy shit.

    What do you guys feel about the fact that we are indeed being visited?

    I really don't think these guys are lying. At all.
  16. problem is, we can never be sure, because the gov't holds the key to it. I don't know about you, but in my book the gov't is all smoke and mirrors. would be interesting to physically see/experience proof though.
  17. Incredible.

    What do they want?

    When will they openly expose themselves?

    In the year 2012?

    I hope in my lifetime, i will see it happen. I want them to expose themselves to the public. I believe now more than ever the human race is in need of some sort of guidance, we are far too caught up in our own bullshit.

    I can only pray that I see the day. Only 2 years and we may see it happen .

    Definitely downs ones ego....hearing them say things like, "Its nice to visit a zoo, but you don't communicate with the lizards."

    makes me wonder if we are so inferior to these beings that we simply cannot communicate with them properly.
  18. I think it's true.
    At any moment the authorities will let the people know, every time more rumors are spreading.
    And it is perfectly likely that aliens exist and that they are in contact with each other, including ourselves. But for practical purposes people shouldn't know this.
  19. Well according to several ancient civilizations, given we interpreted their writings correctly, we have been visited many times over a period of 5000 years or more. It was only a matter of time before the information was leaked, or someone had the balls to come out and finally say it.

    It's kind of a strange though knowing that soon we may finally come face to face with extra-terrestrial/dimensional beings and it won't be considered a myth anymore.
  20. I'm speechless. I only watched part 1 & 2, i'll finish later when I'm done with work, but damn...

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