UFO - The Secret Government

Discussion in 'Politics' started by youenjoymys3lf, Dec 9, 2008.

  1. #1 youenjoymys3lf, Dec 9, 2008
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 9, 2008
    [ame="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=App2uRxZ4Iw"]YouTube - UFO's - The Secret Government[/ame]

    vurrrry interesting.

    cliff notes! :

    1. Roswell and other crashes were real and contained aliens and human body parts.
    2. CIA was formed as a shadow government to act above the president. So that if the truth leaked then the president could claim he didn't know about thus preventing a civil revolt.
    3. Live aliens were captured, the aliens are more similar to plants than humans in biology and had to be kept in a Faraday shield as they have the technology to travel through normal walls.
    4. The CIA recruited Bush in his early days to get huge amounts of drugs into America via his oil ships. The (black budget) money was then used to build underground bases and fund the alien research.
    5. The underground bases were built to study the ETs and their technology (Dulce and Area 51) and also to build weapons against them that we could use to down more of their craft and gain more technology.
    6. Official contact happened and a agreement was made that the ETs could take people and animals in exchange for technology. They were superior so we tried to appease them but they didn't stick to the rules and just did as they pleased and gave us very little technology.
    7. Other species of ET contacted us and offered to help us if we stopped building WMD but this was met with great suspicion and the offer was refused.
    8. A captured alien eventually explained that the purpose of the abductions / animal mutilations was to obtain enzymes, hormones and other body's secretions as part of an ongoing experiment to build a hybrid alien/human race. The reason for this was because the aliens own DNA had become so altered/damaged that their species would not survive if they did not do it.
    9. NASA is nothing more than a public front. The real space program is military and has much greater technology than the firworks NASA has. NASA has people airbrush out moon anomolies, UFO's etc to prevent evidence of the truth leaking from them. Note: This guy said this stuff way before the several NASA workers confirming this was happening came out in the disclosure project.
    10. The underground bases (DUMBs) and moon bases have been established, they house alien and human occupants who work together. The humans who work with the aliens are segregated from surface life on Earth so as they have no contact with the public.

    just really had me thinking. BUT GOD DAMN IS IT LONG:smoking:
  2. Just link the url, GC doesn't read the embed links anymore.
  3. Care to summarize?

    I just see a poorly-shot tape of some guy in a white suit talking.

    What's the nature of this film beyond your spurious "cliff notes"?
  4. Ya roswell is fucking insane, watch all the history channel stuff on it, they also had some stuff on discovery. I got super into it when i saw one myself haha, it was really far away but what i saw is really consistent with what other sitings have. There were three like yellow lights going through the sky and it was way faster than an airplane and when i looked away and looked back it vanished.
  5. Haha there is actually something on discovery right now about a ufo that was in phoenix that a lot of people saw.
  6. You mean.... The Pheonix Lights?

  7. I couldn't watch it all, but I believe it's the late Bill Cooper talking about the MJ12 conspiracy theory.

    There is an alternate conspiracy theory, that the whole mj12 thing was a hoax set up by Air Force officials to tease/throw off Cooper and the like. Kind of like Mulder in X-files.
  8. That's all I need to hear. DONE.
  9. riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight......
  10. I fucking knew it I knew it but more like plants than humans ?? whoa thats some sophisticated plant
  11. i wonder if we smoked them we would get high:D

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