UFO experience ( not a joke )

Discussion in 'Real Life Stories' started by thedeadwalkk, Oct 10, 2010.

  1. #1 thedeadwalkk, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 10, 2010
    before this i had some belief that aliens were real, but this confirmed it for me. very, very interesting (share your experiences if you have any )

    Me and two friends headed over to this park to go blaze. We arrive at the park and get everything ready to blaze. I had to go pee so i get up and walk over to the track field no less then 50 meters away. I get there, take a piss and right after i felt very very strange. I looked up into the sky and there was a MASSIVE object hovering up i would say a kilometer or so in the sky. it was gigantic, there is no term for what the shape was. The best way i can describe is a cross between a square, circle, and a triangle. I mean, this thing was fucking gigantic. It had abounch of wierd lights on the base of it. My jaw just fucking dropped, i ran back to my friends to show them were it was. we were sitting in this undercover spot so we had to walk out of it to see it. When i showed it to them, they were fucking speechless. the thing started to make a wierd sound and we ran back to the undercover spot. I dont know why, but i had an unexplainable urge to run back out to see it. I ran back out, and felt very wierd, as if i was floating. So my buddy comes and grabs me, and brings me back to the undercover area. We sat down and had nothing to say. We just stared at each other with the "what the fuck just happened" look on our faces. My friend started seeing shadows moving in the forest next to us. No less then 30 seconds after my friend dragged me back in i peered out to see if it was still there.. nothing, it was gone
  2. I had a friend a few weeks ago tell me when he was driving he looked out the window at a field he was passing and he descirbed the shape similiar to how you did but he said it was just floating and there were weird light on. He didnt stay around to look at it tho he floored it and got out of there. This field is near where i live and the field is empty so theres nothing he could have mistaken for it.

  3. that is fucking wierd... too my knowledge, there is nothing man-made that can be mistaken for that. And if it was something man made, there would be a very, very loud sound for the propulsion required to move something like that. We as manking dont have technology to move massive objects incredibly fast with no sound
  4. thats awesome!
    i want to experience something like this while im blazed :hello:
  5. I believe you

    btw your screen name creeps me out
  6. it was fucking wack dude. we were scared to death. when i ran out to see it, i felt like i was being lifted off the ground by what ever it was. It could be my imagination, but i remember moving my foot and not feeling anything underneath it. I asked my friends about it, they've never said a word about it, even to this day ( about 2 or 3 months after it happened ).

    im a zombie movie fan :D
  7. I'm positive we have things available to the government that the public has no clue about.
    If you watch space shows on national geographic and the history channel there's some crazy stuff on there haha I like the show universe.

    There's DEFINITELY aliens out there but planets are just so hard to find, it's going to be CRAZZY when reality sets in and we find out we're not alone and it's revealed to the public, or something happens that can't be hidden.

  8. theres no way a government can make anything like that. Just by looking at it, it looked like it wasnt man made. The designs on it were unexplainable.
  9. I believe you.

    I sincerely mean that.

    However... none of you or your friends had cell phones with camera/video? Woulda been nice...

  10. at the time i wasnt thinking about taking a picture, i was too mind fucked, right after though i realized i should've taken a fucking picture. Man if i could've taken a picture....
  11. Ive encountered something strange like this before as well. It was soo fucking crazy.. We were just cruising threw the night and we wanted to go to the park and blaze/chill.. As we were walking the path i look up and i see literally, best way i can explain it is a black hole.. o_O I literally saw a hole in the sky open and a purple ish blue ish color shoot into the whole and it dissapperd in front of my eyes.. True story..
  12. #13 newbienewton, Oct 10, 2010
    Last edited: Oct 10, 2010
    We're seeing all kinds of strange objects here in New Mexico. Of course it has a lot do with the Balloon Fiesta we're having. :D

  13. One time I saw an enormous flying cock shaped like a square that looked like a circle that resembled a triangle too.

  14. Tehehe. I want to believe OP. What was it like floating man
  15. I was driving in my car over a bridge and a huge ass space ship flew up eye to eye with my car. I looked at it and watched it in a matter of seconds fly into space out of sight ... I'm dead serious.

    I completely believe you.
  16. Watch out for the anal proble and the 12 foot satillite dish flying out of your ass.
  17. My experience is that me and my friend were driving back from the beach and no one else was on the road. Then this red light starts flashing in front of my car going to the left. Its hard to explain but yea. After that me and my friend just look at each other witha puzzled look on are face asking each other if that actually just happend and was that an alien. Funny how this trippy shit only happens when your alone or only with a few other people

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