Who plays this game? It's absolutely amazing and I can't stop. What are your fighters techniques and what's his overall rating? And I guess we can just discuss the game in general.
my brother plays it a lot ive unleashed a barrage of jokes suggesting he likes watching half naked sweaty men hold each other.
I can NEVER play those kind of games, just seems so fucking boring for some reason. The only game that I can stand playing and enjoy is Call of Duty 4/5 on the 360.
Game is dope, my friend brought it over and we knocked the shit out of each other for a little while. It's really fun, and I very rarely watch UFC. Oddly enough it made me want to buy a boxing game, but I really want to pick this up too.
yea i love it too. hit me up on XBL if you want a beatdown. better yet, lets start a league here on GC. I dont have the motivation but send me a PM if somone starts a GC league. My gamertag is: Anul Fist You