-ufc 126-

Discussion in 'Television/Internet TV/VOD/DVD' started by AlexanderTheGr8, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. Kinda surpised no one else has a topic up here.

    *Spoiler if you don't know!*
    I was hoping someone could bring it to Silva. I really wanted to see him loose, especially after that 5th round submission with chao sunnin.

    Gotta admit, that was one hell of a fuckin kick. :devious: Anyone else mind fucked at that? :confused:

  2. ya man i thought vitor was the guy to do it.... that kick was bruuuuuuuuuutal... im never goin against the spider again.
  3. After all the uncountable responses flooding this thread lately - I've concluded that stoners are an unlikely group to pay the PayPer View cost of a ufc fight. :confused_2:
  4. you mean Chael Sonnen!!
    Any ways I had hope Vitor was gonna be aproblem for Anderson but came up short!

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