U.S.A. tokers! Let's make a map?

Discussion in 'General' started by Chronny215, Sep 10, 2009.

  1. #1 Chronny215, Sep 10, 2009
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 10, 2009
    (nope, no preview)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

    Check this out, let's build a comprehensive map of the "density" of american tokers. For everyone who posts, you copy the picture to your computer, stick your own yellow dot on your relative location, and if this catches on, we'll be able to see where everybody is (just like the xbox live map come to think of it)


    Now it's your turn! :wave:

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  2. This is a cool idea and a lot less tracable than that google version of this. I like the idea but it will require a bigger picture eventually for GC.
  3. Hmmm, I'll try to work on that, I'm inept in photoshop, so my original idea was to get a color picture and make it black and white, and then add the yellow, but I couldn't edit the edited picture without staying in grayscale.
  4. i made mine blue

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  5. [​IMG]

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    • Map.JPG
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      18.2 KB
  6. Alright I think I'll try to start over with a larger picture, sorry about that...


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  7. I cant figure out how to do the dot so Ill just say the part of FL under Alabama
  8. [​IMG]

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  9. okay bastard:devious:

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  10. Isn't there a version of this where instead of having to do a buncha shit like copy/paste/put a dot/post it again, you just type your zipcode into it and it puts a dot on there for you?
  11. Tampa STAND UP!

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  12. [​IMG]

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  13. This really isn't working. Quit changing maps fuckers.
  14. 12345

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  15. How do you put a dot on there???
  16. take the most recent photo from the poster above you, copy it to your desktop and use an editing program to stick a dot on your location. :smoke:
  17. Venice California
  18. utah lol

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    • map.jpg
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      150.6 KB
  19. Would be easier if it were a interactive map haha... no love for canada?
  20. this is mine

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    • map.jpg
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      99.6 KB

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