U.S.A. $211 Trillion Debt

Discussion in 'Politics' started by As Above So Below, Sep 9, 2011.

  1. So I was looking through Natural News like I usually do every couple of days and found an astounding article, which I don't know if I should believe (since they can be biased at times). I plan on doing a little more research into the topic but what do you guys think? Do you think this is a more accurate figure than what is portrayed in the MSM? I just don't like to believe it just because some article says so. I'm curious as to the responses, because I'm a little confused myself, so don't be afraid to post and help me out! :hello:

    You think we owe $14.5 trillion? The real figure is more like $211 trillion

    Quote from article:

  2. Sounds about right.
  3. How does that even happen -.-
  4. I have accrued $200 in debt from my credit card.
    Are you guys proud of me or what?
  5. Trillion is the new billion! What comes after trillion? Because we will be there in no time if we keep this shit up!

    Isn't money just ridiculous at this point? I'm moving in with the Amish... hmmm, they don't bath often, I'm gonna move in with some Native American tribe :laughing:
  6. Just watched Animal Farm.

    America reminds me the end of the Animal Farm, on the brink of collapse, just waiting for the day to come.
  7. fuck i love.........................CANADA !!!!!!:hello:
  8. [quote name='"Swills"']Trillion is the new billion! What comes after trillion? Because we will be there in no time if we keep this shit up!

    Isn't money just ridiculous at this point? I'm moving in with the Amish... hmmm, they don't bath often, I'm gonna move in with some Native American tribe :laughing:[/quote]

    Quadrillion, pentillion, cmiiw
  9. You know, it's sort of remarkable that the dollar is still worth anything... we really do owe our government and the fed some thanks for not having it flop on us 10-20 years ago.

    $2000 dollar bag of Orowheat bread, here we come!!

  10. Or maybe we should invent a billion dollar note like Zimbabwe did :laughing: :laughing: I'm surprised the dollar hasn't crashed, yet ;)

    Yeah I agree. Love that book! I thought it was shitty in HS but I read it a while back and it really opened my eyes :D

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