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Type of high?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by Specials, Sep 24, 2009.

  1. Can an indica strain stil give you a head high even though it is supposed to give you a body high?
  2. There are strains that are mixes of both. However, I believe you still get a small amount of both highs no matter what, provided it's good shit of course.

  3. This. I tend to get a little body high from sativa, and a little head high from indica
  4. Yea, for me I can definitely tell if it's an Indica or a Sativa, but Indicas give me a head and body high while Sativas are pretty much JUST a head high, like my body really doesn't feel different.
  5. this helps cause i was wondering what strain i want to grow because i want a head high but it has to be small indoor, so a hybrid indica sativa is what im going with
  6. No strain your likely to come across is pure sativia or pure indica, everything is a cross between the two after this many years of cross-breeding. The Indica seed was originally brought to America by a group of California hippies in the early seventies after their trip to the Hindu Kush mountain regions of Asia to be bred with the Western sativia strain. This isn't to say that with a good hook up you couldn't find almost pure indica or sativa nugs but its not too likely.
    Having said that your always going to get the two types of high (mind/body) when you smoke, some are just more indica dominate while others are sativa dominate.

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