Good afternoon, I have a Chcolope plant that is about 58" tall...It has been flowering about 3 weeks and has flowers and small buds on all braches with the lower ones obviously smaller. I have a total of 6 4' 40 watts 3400 lumen flurescent tubes with 2 tubes being placed vertically beside the plant...2 questions...1. Is it okay to tie down the top at this point (any tying tips appreciated) 2. Is the vertically placed light a good idea and should I get more? Thanks for your time... Ohhh and pics attached. The XFactor.
You can tie them down but be careful you dont sanp the branch or break it at the node. I did this the first time i tried it and it takes the branch about a week to repair. If its not a total break the plants have a canny way of repairing themselves. A splint can help.
Thanks Ulrich...What should I expect to see when I tie the branch down as far as new growth and growth of the original cola that is forming? Would a regular tie from lets say a trash bag work?
A what bag? A rubbish bag!?! I would suggest something with a slightly larger surfce area to reduce strees at one point. New groth will come from the lower nodes as more light will reach them.