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TX Prices

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by PriMo XVII, Feb 2, 2011.

  1. Hey, I've smoked on and off for about a year and a half, so I know a decent bit about the lovely MJ.

    The price for a G in TX is $20, but I have friends that go to college in Cali and NV and they say that the price for a G over there (of equal quality stuff) is $10.

    Not only that, but I've read online that its 10 a G in a lot of states. I was just wondering why it's so expensive in TX.

    Also, on a side note how much is it usually for an 8th, in TX? Better yet, just give me all the prices in TX if you know them.
  2. I pay 20 a gram for decent dro, schwag costs me 50-60 an ounce, an 1/8 of mids will cost about 45-50 where I live. West Texas btw.
  3. $20 gram dank

    $60 1/8ths dank

    $120 1/2 dank

    prices drop a little on dank in the 1 - 2 oz range if you got a cool guy

    recently saw super high mids/near dank at $140 a 1/2 oz
    it looked like this


  4. #4 Oceanic, Feb 2, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 2, 2011

    20/G, 50-60/Eigth, 100-110/Quarter, 180-200/Half, 320-400/OZ, 1.2k/QP, 4.5k-5k/LB

    The reason Texas prices are higher is because it's more illegal. So Texas players do it big and get out without getting caught (hopefully). Not to mention, there's less acceptance which in turn a lot of times equals less smokers to sell to.

    Just follow the simple rules of supply and demand. There's grow rooms and despensaries everywhere throughout Cali. No despensaries in Texas.. but there's definitely a few grow rooms... :smoke:

    So, this means much more bud competition in the states that have very laxed MJ laws/pretty much legal. Less risk = More people growing = more people selling = more poeple buying = lower prices.
  5. Yeah, cannabis is not really an accepted issue around here. We're still the the broom closet, or something

    Ever had cancer? You'd think about smoking a joint/bowl or vaping a bowl..... yes you would

  6. I got mango kush that looked almost exactly like that for $20 for a G. It was the first weed I had ever personally bought, and probably one of the best weeds I've smoked. Smelled great, tasted great, and had a great high.

    But the guy I bought it from has been out for like 2 weeks, and there's ice everywhere the only other dealer I know is 45 minutes away and gives us only decent stuff for $20/G.
  7. If you're from North Texas, I'd recommend you find a reliable guy to get "Popcorn" , "Pop" , "Corn" from. If you know the right guy, Popcorn can be the weed that is between reggie and beaster. You can get it for deals similar to swag deals in other places.

    Disclaimer: This post is fictional. ;)
  8. [quote name='TexRx']$20 gram dank

    $60 1/8ths dank

    $120 1/2 dank

    This is the norm...i used to provide in Houston, and that is the price everywhere down there, now i go to school in Boston, same up here
  9. I usually get $10 a gram of dank.

  10. Saturday I paid $30 for a 1/4 of "corn". I don't know if that's good or not. North of Dallas.

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