Two things:

Discussion in 'General' started by Jonsi, Jun 30, 2006.

  1. 1) As some of you know from yesterday, I GOT MY MOTHERBOARD!!! So now I can utilize my decent (not top of the line) video card so i can use the visualizations on media player again and have it be fluid.

    2) Walt Disney was a druggie!!!! I recieved my copy of Fantasia I bought last weekend last night and I packed a fat bowl in my Blue Dot, and sat back and watched... there is no way in hell that that movie was made for kids, that movie was made for stoners, and boomers. omg, what a fun movie to watch!!!! Like the shit that was going on in the movie, along with the music, made me reach deep into my past and remember shit I havn't thought about for 10 years, (which is half my life, so that's a while to me). Like it made me remember this one kid from elementary school whom I havn't thought about SINCE elementary school. It was weird, and I even remembered his first and last name which is weirder. And I got to contemplating a lot of weird shit. Okay, some people say you can't trip on weed... now I didn't halloucinate or anything (never have on weed) but man, that was some trippy shit. And I came to the strong conclusion, A) Walt Disney and crew did drugs B) Fantasia, though marketed to kids, IS NOT MADE FOR KIDS!!!! It seriously was a very fun experience which I think yall should try once! Well worth the 38 bucks I had to pay for it (since Disney only releases movies every 7 years, and it's not during that time for Fantasia)

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