two slided bongs?

Discussion in 'Smoking Accessories Q&A' started by fourtwenty4201, Jan 24, 2010.

  1. has any one ever seen or used one? theres one at this store i go too, its just like a normal bong, but theres two slides right beside each other so you can smoke two bowls at once...its obviously not high end or any thing, and im NOT considering buying it, i just want to know if any one has seen or used one before.

    two bowls at once

    wouldnt be air tight
    cant just smoke one bowl at a time (unless it comes with a plug, and i doubt it does)
    not clear glass lol.
  2. I have seen pieces like that but they were high-end and had it so you could use both 14mm and 18mm joints.

    Toro also makes a dual ice pinch bowl
  3. oh true...well that makes sence.
    these were like, two of the same joint sizes.
    im going to look up dual ice pinch bowls, sounds cool lol
  4. You can get a plug for extra joints.

    I'm sure they're just as air tight as every other bong.
  5. well yeah with a plug im sure it would be just as air tight, but if you were smoking two bowls at once wouldnt it automaticly hit differntly seeing as theres two holes not one?
  6. I have used a two slide ELHE one joint was 14mm and the other 18mm and had a stopper for each one. The only thing really different is that it can clear faster if you take out the stopper.
  7. I don't see why it would.

    I mean, even if it did, both holes will be partially blocked with weed anyways so I don't think it would matter too much.
  8. i want one of those new toro dual ice pinches
  9. Its a good idea, but it seems like its a waste of weed for just a few people. It would be helpful to just load up to bowls and switch between the two. Otherwise you're just gonna end up ripping too much smoke and leaving some behind. Personally I use the largest bowls I can find, even if its just me smoking.
  10. If you like carbs, you could just take out the second stem and use it as a carb. It might spill some bong water, but if that's what you're into then it might work.
  11. Ehle makes a double jointed tube. One joint is 18mm and the other 14. Look it up, posting links is against forum rules.
  12. I own one of the toro double pinch bowls. Personally the size he makes the pinches on each bowl makes two loaded bowls hit fine, even smoking them one at a time. After one bowl is cashed it does add an extra bit of air to it, but it isn't anything that isn't doctored by holding your finger on it.

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