I got 4 grams of outdoor off my buddy. I got two seeds out of one of the buds I was ripping apart to smoke. What is the most simple and inexpensive way I can grow these and get some decent weed to smoke? I've never grown before.
I'll give you the link since it's not in this forum. http://forum.grasscity.com/general-indoor-growing/122824-kamels-cfl-guide.html Read it, and then read, read and read some more. Good luck.
i agree with the above statement....i have been reading up on it for the last four or five weeks and still dont know anything lol
I think I've read everything here and I still don't know that much. It's a good starting point though but experience is vital. Don't be afraid to search or ask for help, the real nice people around here with experience are invaluable.
Cheapest way to do this, would be to grow only 1 or 2 plants, preferably 1, but the thing is you need to grow them long enough till you can determine the sex of the plant. Its pretty much a 50/50 chance so two would be your best bet. Start reading that CFL guide because those are the cheapest lights you can use. But basically all you need are, some sort of growing medum(soil is cheap), a pot or two, water from your faucet is fine but let it sit for 24 hours to dissolve the chlorine. That will get you started for a month or less maybe, soon after a month you will need nutes, and evenntually you will need to change your lights for flowering.