Two plants side by side buds not forming as much as other

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by markymark420, Dec 7, 2023.

  1. White widow and the white og both from seedsman. Same treatment given to both. They are on day 40 of flowering. The white widows buds are forming good but the white og seem to be behind. Is this normal ? Can there be another problem I’m not aware of ? I’ve just been thinking itight take longer to complete flowering so the progress is slower just need some other’s opinions.

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  2. #2 CO BlueGreen, Dec 7, 2023
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2023
    This is a common issue when growing more than 1 strain at a time in the same growroom.
    The genetic schedule is different for each strain. There are other characteristics that differ strain to strain. At times plants of the same strain from the same seed pack will exhibit different characteristics. I recently grew 2 Topanga Cookies from seed the same seed packet. They finished within a week of each other. The stand out difference was one was compact with close tight internodes. The other was tall, huge with long colas. Both plant under the same lights, on the same reservoir and in the same environment. I keep the compact phenotype for my grafted mom.
    3 strains grafted Bonsai Mom
    I normally grow 2 cuttings of the same strain at the same time. It’s really is the only way to have plants perform the same side by side.
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  3. That dif in pheno from same strain and seed pack is always frustrating to me. I always felt it was something I did to cause that change in pheno. Reassuring to hear that top shelf growers experience the same thing.
    My latest clone grow really made me appreciate how nice the sameness in all the plants in a grow can be. Esp when scrogging
  4. Expert, you are now!
  5. The difference in heights required setting my 4 Spider Farmer 1000s at two different heights. It was a 14” difference.
  6. give her more light
  7. Light was not the issue. The compact one was compact because the genetic make up dictated it to be branchy with tight internodes.
  8. 2 different strains, 2 different grow rates
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  9. i grew white widow next to super critical and the widows buds were twice as fat and matured faster same soil same everything
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