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two first pieces :] thoughts?

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by stonerbro00, Jan 19, 2010.

  1. this is my first bowl, purchased two weeks ago for 27 bucks.

    this is my prized bubbler that i bought about 4 hours ago. favorite piece ever. the guy at the shop said it was the only bowl made in that style, so ina sense its a custom/unique.
    heres a pic for size reference


    very upset i have to go back to college and only blunts soon :[
  2. Why dont you just take your little dry piece with you? You will conserve more and smell less with a piece VS. rolling.
  3. #3 Smokaification, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010


    EDIT: i like the bubbler dude, fuckin sick.

    Thinkin bout gettin me one.
  4. haha also I forgot to mention that I like that bub, is it stemless? I cant tell from the pics.
  5. stemless? i dont understand how it could be.
  6. its so worth the money, that only cost me 34 bucks and its smoother than a womans ass.
    and its hard carrying a piece on campus cause with a joint or blunt you can just toss it but with a piece you get a paraphernalia ticket :(
  7. lookin good dude i had a pipe just like that until i got busted with it haha be careful
  8. Is there a pipe going from the bowl to the bottom of the bubble at the end (under water)

    Kinda like the downstem on a bong.
  9. haha nope its got a stem its just hard to tell with the design. but thanks guys :] always nice to hear my money is worthwhile. they looked real cool milked, tried to get more translucent pieces for that reason lol
  10. Go buy yourself a chillum, they are very small. And what are the odds someone searches you and finds your piece?
  11. #11 RepentYeNbelievethegospel, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited: Jan 19, 2010
    Belive it or not, some bubblers have no stem going from the bowl down into the water chamber. I dont like those, you need a LOT of water for it to bubble and since you need to pull hard it splashes back easily.

    You can find glass chillums that are the length of that spoon for 10 bucks, and those are a little more stealthy and easier to conceal on the go/in public.
  12. #12 lakaiordie, Jan 19, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 19, 2010
    if it was stemless it wouldnt be a bub the smoke would go straight to the mouth piece because it doesnt have anything to direct it towards the awater
  13. No, there are so called "bubblers" that are stemless and will bubble if you pull hard enough with the right amount of water. But those are not worth it IMO.
  14. yea, it kinda defeats the purpose. If the smoke dosent pass through the water, why is it there?
  15. how would the smoke pass through the water. you would end up pulling so hard that the smoke would go straight to the mouth piece and then pulling water into your mouth without the smoke passing through it. im not tryin to argue, just trying to understand
    nice pieces by the way
  16. For a stemless bubbler to work it needs to have the sherlock shape. The water sits in the bend of the neck between the mouthpiece and bowl.

    The design of a hammer bubbler requires a downstem.

    I wouldn't call that custom. But I have a small bub about that size and I REALLY like it. The water gets nasty too quick though. But as far as quality of toking utility, it's top notch. I hope you like it.
  17. finally, someone makin sense! A rarity these days! I knew a girl that bought one of those stemless phire brand saxaphone lookin pipes, we didnt know u could put water in it lol, we got BLAZED lol

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