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Two edible questions

Discussion in 'Weed Edibles' started by Ant1k, Jan 29, 2011.

  1. Hey guys. Probably will at least try an edible once. A few questions beforehand:

    Does it increase your tolerance faster than smoking?

    Some threads say use olive oil in peanut butter to make it absorb more. Can you use vegetable oil? Any oil? Is there a difference?
  2. 1. yes

    2. any oil is fine. The higher the saturated fat content the better the oil for edibles, though.
  3. I am unable to find pb with lots of saturated fat.

    All pb I can find says no/low saturated fat

    Trans fat free

    etc. healthy bullshit like that.

    Is it still good to use or could it be better?

    Don't want to waste a lot of good materials here. I will do 2gs 1/2 cup.

    Will I "lose" some thc or any strength if pb is like above ^
  4. I only use left overs from my vaporizer so it's all decarbed. Therefore it doesnt really matter how much or what kind of oil I use since the thc is already activated. About 10g of leftovers per batch of brownies, eating two gets me pretty buzzed after about two hours.

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