Twitter/Musk thread

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by Saint Duck, Apr 26, 2022.

  1. Death threats are always wrong. I think people assuming Musker will be a free-for-all are being hyperbolic and dramatic. There will still be moderation, it'll just be for actual violations instead of the "I'm offended and you need to be banned because I don't like you". At least that's the hope. Maybe it'll be more like Grasscity :biggrin:

    On the subject of hate, you should see the hate and death threats athletes get after they blow a big game or make an error. It's freaking nuts. :eek: Those types of folks need to be banned IMO. They're every bit as bad as those if not worse. They should all be reported to the FBI too.

    I think one way to reduce the amount of hate on the platform is to get rid of anonymous posters. Make everyone verify their account like Facebook (with ID) and the anonymous haters should be reduced quite a bit. There will still be idiots, I mean Facebook still has plenty of people that will gladly be assholes under their real name, but it should reduce things IMO.
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  2. So within days of Musk buying Twitter, Biden launches the "Disinformation Governance Board", under the Department of Homeland Security. Which to me, and apparently millions of others, sounds suspiciously like George Orwell's "Ministry of Truth" from the novel 1984. And also suddenly it seems like everyone who was a staunch supporter of section 230 is now demanding that we take another look at it. Just coincidences I'm sure.
    I had a MOFA t-shirt printed last year, because I saw it on a hat and I liked it. Make Orwell Fiction Again. I didn't realize how true it would become.
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  3. Wow, took less time than I thought it would. THIS is a critical potential tipping point for American freedoms, such as they are.
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  4. Don’t like it don’t support it simple as that. Dude payed $$$ for it if he don’t have ppl supporting it, it’ll fail simple as that. Delete ur account ppl.
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  5. Amazing that people would want more censorship in their lives. I haven't heard a single argument against Elon buying it that didn't involve them wanting censorship. Just freaking amazing.
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  6. But looting and burning of stores is perfectly ok? Both “far” sides are very guilty. Don’t act like one side is clean and the other isn’t.
  7. Disgusting people - this is why he works is the way it is. None of these people would say this in person soooooo many big people behind a keyboard/phone
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  8. I present to you Nina Jankowicz, the new Head of the Disinformation Governance Board(aka Ministry of Truth).
    She is singing her popular song 'Who do I have to fuck to be rich and powerful'.
  9. Here's another song from our new Director of the Ministry of Truth, err, sorry, Disinformation Governance Board.
    This time she's actually singing about disinformation. Specifically referencing the Hunter Biden laptop, which she claims is Trump/Russian disinformation. She still claims that it is disinformation, even as multiple federal investigations are ongoing.
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  10. Well she seems like she is firmly in the center of both sides bahahahahha
    I wonder what she has to say about Hilary paying for it all along with Russian collusion …. I bet she didn’t say a thing.
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  11. #31 Apothic Harry, May 1, 2022
    Last edited: May 1, 2022
    No wonder CNN+ streaming service is finished with utterly deluded shit like the following. One of the hosts and some other jag-off were surmising that Musk bought Twitter so he could "torture puppies and post it". Ya know, in the name of free speech. Last time I checked, animal cruelty was a crime soooo....Even if Musk were so inclined to torture puppies, he's smart enough to not make the crime public for the whole world to see.

    The leftists have become completely unhinged. They aren't even trying to hide the fact they're completely full of shit.
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  12. I think the left is losing it because they couldn't do crap even though they held the white house and congress. Now, they're going to get creamed in November and Biden and his son, along with his cronies, are going to get a congressional colonoscopy from the republican congress and possibly senate. Schiff and his crooked buddies are going to get removed from a ton of committees and the sad thing? The left has brought it all on themselves. The countries in the toilet after only a year + of ole joe being in the white house.. Whoever is REALLY in charge is screwing things up royally.
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  13. Screamed to my comrades on the American left for years about where this path of censorship would take them. All I got back was mockery, derision, accusations of racism, Russian agent, nazi, white fragile male, secret Trump supporter.

    It's with some grim satisfaction that I watch their setbacks now. Not entirely undeserved.
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  14. Really? I think you may need to recheck your historical facts pal.
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  15. yes, yes, we know, Conservative means dirty, nasty, ugly, mean, white, racist man that is out to screw the world over.
  16. Well, if that’s what you think.
  17. the only context that I have are the words you have written and that tells me all I need to know. The difference between us is quite simple.

    You start from the position that anything a conservative believes tries to accomplish is inherently evil. Where as Conservatives believe Liberals have good intentions at heart, they are just wrong.
  18. Nope I don’t believe that. I think that conservatives are often times misguided and are fueled by wanting an identitarian belonging, a violent contradiction specific to neoliberalism.

    “Here lies the identitarian trap,” says Berardi, “...the return of concepts such as homeland, religion, and family as aggressive forms of reassurance and self-confirmation.”

    what you quoted was about “freedom of speech” when so often I just see that a lot of far right leaning types just want the freedom to post hate speech everywhere.
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  19. Do you know how many cultures have a god? FYI, it's not just white societies.
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