Twitter/Musk thread

Discussion in 'Silicon (v)Alley' started by Saint Duck, Apr 26, 2022.

  1. Seems to be a big story. I'm seeing all kinds of reactions. Some happy, some not so happy.
    I don't think this story is going away any time soon. Here are some memes just from overnight.
    noban.png muskhats.png 5lwSRvhUDLl5.png DqNKmQjE4knm.jpeg
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  2. Twitter before Musk:

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  3. The reason that she posted these was up until a few days ago every single one of these statements resulted in either a ban or outright removal. Then Musk bought the company.
    37tweets.png noremoval.jpeg
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  4. #4 Dizzy, Apr 27, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 27, 2022
    IDC BC I Don't Have Twitter Lol. It Just A Giant Pile Of Hot Garbage From What I Seen Of It. Now It Will Be Even More Disgusting. YAAY! :rolleyes:

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  5. Bezos owns the Washington post and controls the online goods market
    Gates dominates public health research with a focus on reproductive health and population growth control
    Musk owns Twitter one of the central global arteries of online communication and something people all over the world use to share information.

    All is well. If you don't eat yer meat, you can't have any pudding.

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  6. I'm all for getting rid of censorship. He isn't going to use politics as an excuse of blocking accounts. Short of someone outright threatening someone or an act of violence, there should be no to very little censorship.
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  7. I saw 2 white Teslas earlier within a block of each other.

    Something's up.
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  8. “It’s so pathetic that “I want to be as cruel as possible but the mods won’t let me ” is the best argument so many conservatives have for free speech. The triumphant small-mindedness of it, this flaunting of the worst tendencies in human nature.

    So much eloquence has been spoken on the subject, you could fall back on Milton, on Mill, but no, the best you’ve got is “I WANT TO BEHAVE LIKE AN ABSOLUTE RAT BASTARD“

    And then to turn around & call for the purging from schools of books about sexuality, or the historical facts of race in America—they don’t want free of speech in any academic or artistic sense, they’ve reduced “free speech” to a sneering excuse for treading down the downtrodden.”
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  9. Spoken like a true socialist. The left and their minions abuse the concept as well. I've had vegans on social media call me "mentally ill", accused me of belonging to a death cult, and in one case suggested I should just kill myself. None of those comments were censored and no one was banned. But when I called one of them a "fool" I was suspended for 30 days literally less than 60 seconds after I posted that.
    So spare us your waffling about conservatives abusing free speech. They have nowhere near a monopoly on it.
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  10. #10 Mvndanke, Apr 28, 2022
    Last edited: Apr 28, 2022
    I too hate vegans. I think everyone does lol.

    I’m sorry that happened to you, but Twitter is not the government so their freedom of speech is limited on a privately owned platform. They get to make ridiculous decisions like that and censor whoever they feel like censoring that day, whether it’s al algorithm and handled by AI or a person. If you were even talking about Twitter. I’ve long since left Facebook.
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  11. The people that claim that men can get pregnant are worried about 'misinformation' on Twitter. And in all honesty although I don't generally condone it people do have the right to "Behave like an absolute rat bastard". People forget that you DO have a right to be offended. That does not in turn give you the right to censor that person. Out of 350 million people in the US, X number are and always will be rat bastards. Do we lock them in a box and silence them all? Who determines if a person is a rat bastard instead of a regular bastard? What if they just have different opinions than most? Do we silence them also? Free Speech is just that, Free. Free to have different opinions. Free to post 'disinformation', whether intentional or not. Free to spout whatever crackpot theories that they have. Just because they say it doesn't mean that you have to like, agree, or even acknowledge it. You are also free to ignore speech. But purposely silencing or removing someone from a platform simply because they have different opinions is Censorship, plain and simple.
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  12. It’s just on overall observation of the free speech most conservatives are interested in, and nothing more.

    otherwise, no you don’t have free speech on private social media platforms unfortunately. But you are free to yell whatever you want off your apartment balcony, until the management office gets to you. Lol
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  13. One of his tweets today says he's going to buy Coca Cola and put the coke back into it. :watching:
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  14. Just curious as to opinions, is this considered free speech?
  15. A fool and his Freedom are soon parted.
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  16. That's actually not protected free speech. The fact that Twitter is a private enterprise does not matter in those cases. Those comments are actually criminal. Not only that but imagine people saying someone should kill Biden or Pelosi. There'd be a S.W.A.T. team kicking their doors down.
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  17. That's Just Evil...See What I Mean Twiter Is Gross.

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  18. I was going to apologize for my tone in the last post but you seem to have not noticed it or ignored it. Either way I'd still like to apologize. Having a bad pain day and feeling a bit grumpy. Not looking for sympathy, just explaining why I thought I was being a bit harsh in my previous post.

    I also came back to say that being a private entity, there's no "freedom of speech" right anyway so the whole argument in that regard is moot, but ya beat me to it. lol
    I also don't have a problem with censorship and "fact checking" per se, as long as it's balanced and reasonable.
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  19. Lol. I would have to assume all of these accounts are ran by actual 12 year olds.
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  20. Oh, I don’t think I even noticed. I deal with a lot on this website lol. That’s alright. Everyone has their days.

    But yea, it’s one thing if someone on Twitter gets banned for saying cunt, and another thing if you get arrested for saying cunt out on the street.

    I think that it’s actually quite difficult for websites and moderators to be totally unbiased, I feel like it’s generally against our nature, we always tend to choose sides. I’ve lost the point to be quite honest :laughing: I think it was fuck vegans right? Yea. Fuckkk vegans
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