Twitter follow back thread?

Discussion in 'General' started by mwtokin', Aug 17, 2012.

  1. New to twitter could use some stoner followers. Post your twitter if you wanna follow and get followed back. We can start a little GC circle.

  2. I'll follow ya.

  3. Awwww yeaa 1 down
  4. Twitter..

    The devils advocate.

    Where any dumb motherfucker can preach to the public without leaving his/her room..

    Not wrapping you into that category just expressing my distaste for that vile website
  5. Hahah some of the Trig Palin accounts are funny thats who I would follow if I had one.
  6. It's actually pretty cool man. Some of the shit people tweet is fucking hilarious. If you follow all your favorite websites/comedians/whatever you always stay up to date without havin to visit each one separately.
  7. @joshduncan14

    I tweet random shit, don't hate!
  8. Ok I got skeched out the first time but fuck it here @cberggren456
  9. Nice man lets keep it rollin
  10. @Blaine_Nash

    I'll be sure to follow all you blades. :smoke:
  11. @AshleyAc03 Going to follow some of you for sure
  12. Wwhat_if is mine.

    Yoleaux broleaux
  13. @LeglessPuffin :)
  14. @lisharichelle

    This is fun! :)

  15. shawty right there is a ten

    :laughing: :smoke:
  16. @JayKilzz
    Kind of new to twitter guys but I'll follow back :)
  17. #17 MedicalManOR, Dec 11, 2012
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 19, 2013
    I post some random pics
  18. You are promoting bullshit good sir.
  19. @WeedThoughts2

    A few of my friends post random weed related things sometimes on this one

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