I love Kristen Stewart and she is a giant stoner btw. She and her co-stars are always stoned in every scene of the Twilight films lol. I saw them all just bc I love Kristen but I never liked the movies very much lol. OK so the final movie, there is all this suspense for Kristen to be a vampire, and how awesome it will be to finally be married as a pair of vampires. OK so this seems like it will be the climax of the whole series of films. For us pervs who watched the whole series just for Kristen: We wanted to see her happily married with some kind of tasteful scenes that involve Kristen being kinda sexual, part naked, etc. Sadly there was only the slightest amount of time focused on her sexuality as a vampire (although the small amount present was good lol). The movie showed how her senses were sharpened and how much better sex was for vampires lol, bc their senses are so amplified as if they're on ecstasy or something lol, And to me it's always fun to know she's stoned out of her skull in such scenes lol. But there was very little focus on that. Instead most of the whole stupid film focused on this random war about her baby who is half-vampire & half-human, so this stupid bureaucracy of vampires, just randomly wants to have a war. About her baby. WTF man. This random bullshit doesn't even relate to the whole damn series that led up this point. lol The final movie just proves that the author of the books was just making up bullshit as she went along. She had no overall vision for these stupid books. She just kept adding one random thing after another. The 1st movie was just the love story of her and her vampire bf. The 2nd movie threw in fucking werewolves; I think the 3rd or 4th threw in these pointless long back-stories of each vampire and how they grew up during the Civil War. God what bullshit. lol What a horrible author and what a horrible series. I think the 1st Twilight film was best bc it was at least a simple love story and there was plenty of time to admire Kristen. The last movie had little time to admire her stoner beauty lol; It was so much time spent on the vampire group talking and fighting, such bullshit lol. Well I think I'll smoke some dank someday soon w/ the 1st film & enjoy how hot she was in the least-ridiculous film of the whole series lol. Thanks for reading and here is a pic just to show how hot she can be in some random pics:
Its Twilight it took all the good harry potter did getting kids to read and than ass raped it. Nothing good will ever come of Twilight.
Well sure, but if the last movie had long extended sex scenes, for example, then it would have been a much better movie lol. Also for anyone who doesn't know: My focus on sex isn't just random lol. The series is a long love story and when she's finally a married vampire, then everyone is waiting for her to have amazing sex as if she's on ecstasy lol. And the final movie had only a few minutes of such scenes lol.
People forget; they don't make movies anymore to celebrate art, they make movies to make stupid amounts of money.
^Definitely. Actually to sum up my complaints most simply: The final movie did NOT tie together the whole series; It was just one more pointless tangent. I mostly wanted to see hot sexual scenes of Kristen lol, but I also would have been happy of the final movie just made sense of the whole series & tied it all together, somehow. lol The film doesn't do any of these things lol.
The fighting scenes werent that bad actually, Yes i could watch 300 and be alot happier with the action but morphing into wolves Would be sick. I dont think kristen is that amazing either, i watched the series Becuz of the vampire vs wolf wars, tho i was extremely dissapointed When kristens lovers never fought. Lol. Pretty much what i was waiting for, who dies n who gets the girl. But if they made another random twlight, id watch again. I hate watching the first two movies of any film and never seeing what happens next. Gotta finish the rest or i go nuts to find out.
Well I guess the fighting scenes were OK, in and of themselves, but the fighting scenes were the LAST THING I wanted to see in the final film. Wanted to see Kristen getting banged on the beach during her vampire honeymoon, and stuff like that lol. Also aside from the lack of sexual content, there was barely any NEW MARRIAGE content at all. Don't we even get to see them happily married for a few minutes? Nope, they're married but now they're miserable about the vampire council randomly. A complete lack of resolution or climax, for the whole series. lol And final proof that the author had no grand vision, and just made up random garbage as she went along lol. Fighting scenes reminded me of the X-men films, which was not at all what I was hoping to see lol. Also who the fuck ever decided that every vampire has a special power, like the X-men? The author must have made that up as she went lol. I never heard of vampires each having their own superpower lol.
I'm trying to find hot pics of Kristen so ppl can see why I like her so much. Here's a pic of her getting banged in the movie On the Road, which I can't wait to see lol. Here's Kristen just chilling with weed leaves on her breasts lol.
If you had read the books or were paying attention to the series at all the ending would have made sense. In short: vampire children are not allowed to exist because they cant be controlled. The vampire police will kill anyone who tries to make a vampire child. A relative of the Cullens saw Kristen's baby, thought it was immortal and then went to snitch. The head of the vampire police wanted Kristen, Rob and his psychic sister to join them so they used the baby as a means to get that. Plus they were threatened by the Cullens and wanted a way to get rid of the ones without cool powers. And they really do hate immortal children. They didn't have that much sex in the books and the movies are pg-13 so they had to tone down the sex scenes they did have. I read all the books when I was in high school. The books and movies are entertaining, but the writing is horrible. Stephenie Myer writes like a teenager and so does E.L. James (Fifty Shades).
you're watching the wrong movies man. may i suggest samsara, or perhaps beyond the black rainbow (if you like psychedelia). dude what the fuck, they finally made a movie out of "on the road" and it has that talentless bitch in it?
Well I never read the books and I'm only talking about the movie series. The last film seemed like a total tangent from all the other films, but yeah I'm sure the books made slightly more sense lol. And yeah I can tell from the movies that the author is horrible lol. Oh it's a love story with vampires. Guess what, now there are werewolves, Indians, the Civil War, & pregnancy. Somehow the climax of all this is supposed to be a huge war, that doesn't really happen. Thank goodness Alice just made the whole war seem real for all that time, but surprise, it was just her psychic illusion, the end. Um yeah, the author is horrible LOL!
Id fuckin smash no doubt friend! Im sure shes chill as hell to kick it n blaze with. Never knew she was a die hard stoner. I fucking love facial expressions during sex. Nice post.
Don't get me wrong there are some great adaptations however twilight ain't one of them, or, its not my thing i should say, maybe the movie is good but i know the premise grabbed from the book is just silly, if you can walk around during the day well, why are you calling yourself a vampire, you know, these concepts have to be bended instead of creating your own, i can't believe shes a celebrated author.
Yeah isn't it fun to know she's always stoned out of her mind, in every scene? Her co-stars too lol. I love how the world looks at these movies as showing YOUTHFUL INNOCENCE and young love, etc. But really Kristen & her co-workers are smoking herb constantly on set, and going through the motions stoned. lol Yeah she must be awesome to chill with!. I'm glad u said u like her bc no other guys ever seem to like her. lol She is a GIANT INTROVERT, and socially awkward, shy etc. So people hate how she is always "expressionless" but it's just bc she's so shy and introverted lol. I tend to be introverted myself, so I think this is one reason I like her so much. But yeah to chill with her: I bet she just smokes constantly in her personal life, just like on the set of the Twilight series lol. I bet she's like the shy slutty stoner next door, who would be too shy to say hi. But then when u said hi, she'd come over and smoke the day away and fuck ur brains out, just for fun. lol Glad u liked this pic, I think it's the hottest pic I ever found of her lol. I agree that facial expressions during sex are awesome (not that I thought we'd be talking about sex). lol But hell yeah, I love focusing on girls' faces during, especially even kissing or making out during. I had a gf who I'd do that with, and she'd always get all embarrassed bc she'd be moaning uncontrollably in my face, while making out. <3 OK I need to go jump in a cold shower lol.
Theres hundreds of vampire movies and shows now (and hundreds more vampire vs werewolf movies/shows), they all just seem kind of repetitive and dull. They took a unique concept and beat it to death trying to make a quick buck.
Yeah I agree, it's awful lol. I don't watch much TV but I have seen tons of ads for all different combinations of vampires, werewolves, romance, zombies, etc. It's so lame lol. And the Twilight movies clearly started the trend of just arbitrarily changing the ancient "unique concept" of vampires lol. So the author could just keep throwing in random garbage as she wrote the series lol I'm going to have to just search out Kristen in her other films, most of which seem to fly under the radar. Adventureland was a sweet film in which she plays a slut who hooks up with an old sleazy co-worker, while a young naive kid is in love with her, and not getting any sex from her. lol Kind of a real-life summer of romance and pain. lol