Turning Vaper from your vaperizor, Into liquid?

Discussion in 'Science and Nature' started by ITNinja, Jan 23, 2010.

  1. I hope this is in the right section, if not I apologize.

    I was wondering, When you vaporize, The vapor (Not Smoke) Is essentially a misty liquid correct?

    If this is so would it be possible to cool this vapor down and into a liquid form, Thus making kind of something like THC Liquid?

    I am pretty well learned, But not in this particular field of science, Which I think would be Chemistry.

    Thanks guys,

  2. probably get more of a resin like lining on the bag :confused:

  3. Nope, it's a gas.
    Liquid = water, drink, the ocean.
    Gas = vapor, mist, steam
    Solid = Ice, hail.

    All are forms of water though. :D

    But I see what you're saying...
    You would have to collect all of the vapor/mist somewhere, then condense it together and be able to catch it in some sort of container... I dont know how to though :(

  4. I feel like a troll for saying that :(

    Let me think about this, maybe write some blue prints, and I'll get back to you...
  5. How to turn gas into liquid? - Yahoo! Answers

    I think essentially what you need to do is...

    find a way to capture your water vapor, a very VERY fine screen or some kind of filter so that air can pass through, but the steam cannot.
    then, collect the condensed water from the filter and there you go.

    My idea would be....
    Use a coffee filter to collect the steam, once it is SOAKING wet, squeeze all the water out of it into a container, then drink it :hello:
    Perhaps a very fine rag or t-shirt would work as well... but make sure it is soaked or VERY damp when you go to extract the liquid.

    Only problems I see from this plan is: what if the all of this goes well, but you dont get high off the THC water? What if it doesnt work?

  6. I don't beleive it is possible. But I have wondered if you could bubble vaporized marijuana through a narrow column of oil/ethanol, causing the thc to bind.
  7. I don't really understand what you're suggesting. Where is the water coming from in this?

    If it were possible to do, I think you would want to collect the THC vapor in an air tight vessel then subject it to an increase in pressure. I think that the THC will likely adhere to the vessel unless there is a shit ton.
  8. In the vaporizer I am envisioning, vapor travels from the motor/engine/thing through a tube, into a bag/chamber, and then into the consumer.

    You should detach the bag/chamber and cover it with said filter.
  9. This is essentially what I am proposing, only instead of capturing the vapor in an air tight vessel it slowly wets a filter/cloth. Then you extract the water from that filter/cloth.

    PS: My apologies for posting 3 times.
  10. but THC is a oily resin right? so there would be no water it would be oil. good luck collecting a good amount of that! if it works tho, lemme know k? that would be tight if i could drink thc. i would put it in my morning coffee lol.
  11. I see what you're saying now...you know I may have access to some really fine filter paper/filters, so maybe I'll give this a test. I still feel like it won't work though. Any idea what size filter is needed in proportion to the size of the molecules?
  12. I hope some of this was somehow beneficial for yah, ITninja :D
  13. #14 Stoli, Jan 27, 2010
    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 27, 2010
    disclaimer: i know nothing about science

    i don't think you can do it.. when the smoke is filtered through i think it'll be a solid remaining on the filter, not a liquid

    the filter will only be "wet" if the gas being filtered is a liquid at room temperature..

    if you wanted to do this, i think you'd have to collect a large amount of the solid at room temp, and then melt it until you got to the arbitrary point between solid and gas, where it was liquid. obviously there's a billion methods, but the basics are here i think.

    also, afaik,there is no definitive rule about whether a substance can be made into a liquid, solid and gas.. i think each substance can take any of 1, 2 or 3 of these forms depending on temp.. so it's possible thc doesn't have a liquid state.

    i think you need a laboratory and a factory.. but as i said, see disclaimer
  14. ill share a little chemistry knowledge thc is a solid at room temp i know people vape at around 375 so that would be boiling point and it probably cant become a liquid because of the atmospheric pressure almost everything can be all states just water is the only one to do that on earth with atm pressure
    so it probably cant be a liquid but you might be able to vape and condense to a solid
    like a distillery cold pipes condense the alcohol but it would be thc that would be vaped instead of heated alcohol
    my .02
  15. If you allowed the mist to cool then yes it would condense and condensate into a liquid.
  16. Yea, i really have to try this. I really appreciate all the post's guys, Two days straight nobody posted, So I lost hope, And then BAM! out of knowhere.

    Haha, I will let you guys know what goes on, I ran out of herb tonight.....so yea.
  17. Props for thinking this up, Ninja :D
    + rep for attempting it.
  18. Haha, Thanks bro. Yea, I will be trying it tomorrow, I am getting 3.5g of White Widow for $30 bucks, Yeah me. Plus I think I found a new dealer, I work with the dude, 6 years younger then me, this whole time I didnt know he dealed lol, he started showing me pictures and shit of White Widow and stuff....Im high....so yea, yeah me again.

    P.s. Ive never ever had dank before, Like a true named strain :)

    Let you guys know how it goes.

  19. I'm surprised no one has stated anything about inhaling versus drinking it.

    Will you even get remotely similar effects from drinking this condensed vapor and absorbing it through the digestive system as opposed to inhaling it and absorbing it through the respiratory system?

    If you use a vaporizer that has a whip, there is an easy way to make "tea" or a drink. Once it has a lot of use you will notice the whip will get quite dirty with res. Just pour hot water through the whip and it will take the res off with it. Pour it into a glass and enjoy.

    Again, I don't know how well this works. I've drank that "tea" a couple of times before with varying effects. I think it might be better just to vape it and inhale instead.

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