My buddy that lives up in Michigan rang my tele. He asked, since a female can hermie or turn male by way of stress, can you turn a male into a way of stress. I told him no. Lol, what do yall think? I am certain I am correct in telling him no. Am I right?
yes you are correct. any stress on the plant creates hermaphrodite properties, and they cant be reversed. You cant "relax" a plant after stressing it, but you can trim male parts of the plant so as to not ruin the buds that do form.
And you can't turn a female into a male either... If your friend has no other plants then it's fine for him to try to salvage whatever bud he can off the hermie. But if he has other females around he would be better off to ditch the hermie so that it won't pollinate the girls. It is difficult to keep up with trimming off all the pollen sacs on a hermie, and not releasing any pollen while doing so.
He actually has just males I believe. He called all pissed off. "Hey bro, can I turn a male into a female?". I said, uhhhhhhhhhhhhh, no. I dont think so. Anywho, thanks for that advice toasty. I will remember that.