Turkey or roast beef?

Discussion in 'The Great Indoors' started by liekz0mg1, Jan 22, 2010.

  1. Alright, Imma little wee bit fucked up and I wanna make a sammich. I have only 2 kinds of meatys, turkey and roast beef. Im having ahard decision between the two. GC, help me out!
  2. I usually only date white girls so I can't comment on the roast beef...oh wait, sandwich meats?

    I'd go with Roast Beef.
  3. How can this be a question? Roast beef. The still bleeding kind.
  4. Turkey but since you're high....both...let us know.

    Or you can make a turkey sandwich and a roast beef one. WIN.
  5. A little bit of both with some ranch....bbq...and hot sauces.....toast the bread....and fry the meats a little so they are warm at least. Thats what I would do.
  6. Roast beef doggie, theres no question at all.
  7. Both- Lettuce, Tomato, Mayo.

    Wish you had bacon too.
  8. Fuck it! I ended up havingg a Nutella & Marshmellow Fluff sandwhih. :p
  9. Use the turkey and do it club style.
  10. Both obviously.
  11. Def shoulda weent with some roast beef and PEPPERJACK YEAAAAAAA

  12. lmao man you couldve had some great protein and you went with the sugar :pPP

    damn man those meats, toasted on toasted/warmed white bread with mayo and other ingrediants of choosing.


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