it's polish and frankly, fucking cozy and delicious. But cutting up the leeks gave me a head ache. Meatballs are in the oven right now... pictures to come.
shit I'm high as fuck right now so hopefully I can remember to write all of the recipe down um, so this is just one of my family's recipes that's been passed down for generations (they're polish) and has been tweaked over time to fit our more modern society. Anywho... *For broth/soup* 1 bundle of green onions (Cut off and toss the roots, chop the white and faintly green parts small, and keep the leafy green parts) 1 leek, cut up the white and faint green parts only 5-6 Fresh basil leaves, cut small 2 Fresh Sage leaves Salt and pepper to taste 1 fresh clove of garlic, minced 1/2 cup couscous 2 12 ounce cartons of chicken stock/broth 1/2 cup pasta (I used penne) 1 medium turnip (chopped) 1 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil (USE EXTRA VIRGIN, NOTHING ELSE.) Pour your cartons of chicken stock in a large soup pan and set stove top to medium heat, just enough to get the stock to simmer. Once it does begin to simmer, add in the extra virgin olive oil. Throw in your minced garlic, chopped turnip, half of the basil you chopped, and the sage, and the leek. Add salt and pepper to taste for your liking. Now turn to medium high, add both cous cous and penne, and after you do so throw in a cup of water, and add the green onion leaves *For meatballs* Preheat oven to 330 degrees (fahrenheit...) 2 slices any kind of bread (to cut down calories I use Sara Lee 45 calorie bread, but any kind works.) 2 fresh leaves of Sage, chopped finely 2 fresh basil leaves, chopped finely 1 fresh clove garlic, minced Worcestershire Pepper (trust me, makes a difference to have it.) Toast two slices of bread, chop them up into little squares, Toss in your bread squares and mix it with the ground turkey (I just mash it with clean hands, works the best.) Now toss in sage and basil as well as garlic, continue to mash until distributed equally, then sprinkle pepper on to your liking (I use about a 1/2 teaspoon to a full teaspoon, and anywhere between there) Form into small balls, set on baking pan lined with foil. Bake for 20-30 minutes, depending on how big they are Soup should be on a low boil the entire time the meatballs are being made and baking in the oven. After they are done, take them out and carefully, using prongs, lift them from the pan into the soup. Simmer for about 2-3 more minutes, then spoon into bowls. Serves anywhere from 5-7 servings, I suppose. (I really don't recall t now actually.) Also, sprinkle the remaining basil leaves in ontop of the soup when served, it looks pretty and tastes even nicer. yay. I think that's it.... holy shit it feels like I've been typing this for fucking ever.