Hey folks. So I’ve got a almost 3 week old seedling That has sprouted beautifully so far. I’ve not purchased a tent but instead a 1. Tupperware large garbage can. 2.small fan 3. Small humidifier 4. Full spectrum LED bulb. 5. 1 auto grow seed that sprouted. Wondering what the growers on here that are successful think and have some tips or if this is a complete joke. Lol
My first ever grow was in a cardboard box and an LED bulb. That LED bulb youbare using is weak and needs to be way closer to the seedling like 18 inches from the top of the seedling. Looks good and you will learn as you go. Dont expecg mucch from using that bulb tho.
Hey thanks for the response. I had to take the lid off to get the pic. If you say 18 inches then i should move it away. When the lid is on, it’s about 8 inches away. Too close you think? Ya the bulb is a 20 dollar bulb from Lowe’s. It is a grow bulb .. but I do understand what you are saying.