Alrighty so here goes nothing. Started my plants back in the beginning of April when I thought I was going to have access to a room. Well, the available room fell through so I had to come up with another idea. I needed to stick with the indoor grow and keep things more or less hidden so I decided to grow in a tub. So far so good...I think. From day one this was supposed to be an experiment to get my 'setup' correct before I started to seriously dig in and start growing so if I get anything at all out of this crop...I r happy and will have something to celebrate with. I am mostly in it this round to see if tub growing is even feasible So far I have seen promising results (and yes...I am a complete beginner to growing medical yum especially indoors...although I do have some experience with outdoor gardening and indoor hydroponics with my fun little AeroGarden ) I started out with what others are referring to as 'bag seeds' (seeds recovered from bags of yum purchased from various dispensaries or whatever). What is even better is that the majority of my seeds have been collected and 'well preserved' over the...wait for it...years! Yup...some of my seeds are several years old and well...what follows will (if I figure out how to properly upload pictures) be a pictorial documentary of the grow process up to present day. Please be patient whilst I get the pictures up before commenting...I have lots and have been overly excited to find a place to share...yay Grasscity Forums! First couple weeks with first potted 'rescue' ...oh, did I mention this gets even weirder cuz I'm going flouro?
Alrighty...round two of pictures...initial tub 'creation' with plant placement...ending with what happens if you push a Dremel head too hard into Rubbermaid plastic (please excuse the messy room hehe)
Last one and we'll be up to date... First two pics are random shots from the last week and then the third pic is just to show I added another light. Still wanting to add 3 more but they are $25 a piece (fixture plus 5000k lumens 'natural light' bulb) and I need to wait til payday. And now that we are all up to date here are the current stated, I need more light. Other than that the only thing I need to add is a hole or two with a fan w/charcoal filter to make some of the heat go outside of the tub instead of staying inside and creating condensation on the lid. Scares me with the electricity and far so good