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Trying to understand the controls on these lights

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by hootersmcboobies, May 16, 2023.

  1. Hey there. I'm new to using grow lights. I've looked up a lot of tutorials and videos and they all talk about the UV to IR spectrum or blue vs red and what to use in each stage. I'm using these KindLED X220 Lights and they have two controls, one that's just labeled Spectrum (set in percentages) and the other marked RED+IR+UV also as a percentage.

    What do these correlate to/represent when I'm reading other guides? What are the right settings on this LED for growing vs blooming stages?


  2. err nevermind. I swore I didn't see manuals on their website the last time I looked. I must have missed them; found their recommended chart.

    Attached Files:

  3. Screenshot (1521).png
    let her rip!
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