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trying to preserve my ganja with this.

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by feteboy90, Jan 27, 2010.

  1. I asked bunch of friends, and looked up hows the best way to preserve ganja for future uses(im not going to smoke till the 13th of feb.)

    And they all say use vacuum sealed containers. My house has limited sources in terms for ganja preservation but do these work? i am current storing them in these


    And then storing those containers in a ziplock seal bag.

    Works well? ( that pic, i just took from google)
  2. Yeah it'll be fine. Weed can be kept for a very long time without going bad.

    The ideal way to store your weed is an an airtight glass jar but if that is not available those sandwich boxes are fine too, I suggest you get some of the better ones with better airtight seals since I have those sandwich boxes you're using and they're pretty flimsly.
  3. my advice, go to walmart or some similar store. Go to the cooking section and get a small resealable glass jar for about 3 bucks, if you want to be super cheap a simple Mason Jar will do.
  4. For quick storage, I put my herb in ziplocks and then put those in containers just like you showed. Works great.

    For longer storage, I have my excess herb vacuum packed and in a freezer.
  5. thanks, Im just using these until I actually go to the store.

    Bigsurprise- Im doing the same exact thing now.

    Yeah ive heard a lot bout the mason jar, I might go for that. thanks guys
  6. If you're really cheap - an old pickle jar will do in a pinch;):wave:
    Good Luck:smoking:
  7. Throw in some orange peels in those containers so it will keep your weed from drying up and it will add a nice flavor.
  8. yea it would be good in anything thats airtight
  9. Mason jar, I wouldn't trust those for a month.
  10. Another good alternative to glass jars are lock n locks. They're *virtually* smell proof unless you've got really strong weed. Lock n locks are meant for spill proof/air tight seals, look em up, they're pretty cheap! My bf and I keep all of our little... pot accessories in it like lighters, stir sticks, weed, razor for scraping etc..
  11. There is a company named Boveda that makes humidity packs for cigars to maintain humidity in humidors. I would assume those would be safe to use with herb but I've never tried it.
  12. Mason jar. Hobby Lobby sells them individually.
  13. Lock & Lock's work great. That's what i personally use.
  14. i do that allllllll the time.. it makes it smell delicious!!
    and it sweetens it up a lot.

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