hello everyone. I am 26 years old and have been smoking high grade weed everyday for about 8 years. In the past year i have been smoking about 7 grams every two weeks, still consuming daily. 3 weeks ago i cut way back to just a cpl puffs through in my first week (1 joint throught out the week) and the remainging two weeks I smoked a small roach. I have been truely clean for about 10 days I am 5'10" 170 and hit the gym regularly, currently about 8%body fat. and have been killing fat burning, low heart rate cardio. working out about an hour every 2 days. with a day rest inbetween and 45 minutes of heavy weight lifting following my hour of cardio. all that being said i have my first interview in 3 days for a job i cant afford to pass up, with the secong interview wich should follow a week later. then resulting in a manditory piss test.in the end I should have been 100% clean for aound 3 weeks. I have been drinking craneberry juice lots of water and just bought 7 day cleansing program (STRIP) to try and help, wich i know many say are a waste of money. Looking for any help or info to either ease my mind or to look at other alternatives naturally or substituting for synthetic urine as i know they will not be in the room with me when I test, but would rather avoid this. I have also bought 4 U-test testing strips to test my urine before, could not really find any reviews on this product even thought they say 99% accurate. I am planning on testing myself at the end of the seven day cleanse on my first morning urine so it will not be diluted. I am concerned as i have read stories of many heavy smokers taking up to 2 months to get clean. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks for your time.
Twenty six years old. First interview ever... Smoked for 8 years and doesn't know how to pass a drug test. Can more schools be year-round please? Please stop clogging the good sections of the site with this shit and post in in the appropriate place -> http://forum.grasscity.com/apprentice-tokers/619280-answer-drug-test-questions.html
I have never tried to get clean, that is why im looking for help, as for the wrong post/place on site. appologies first time on site,. judging from your answer your a vet, a little help would have been nice instead of knocking. but ill take your advice and move pages.
By a detox drink at a head shop. I used a detox drink for probation twice and passed but I had to drink it 8 hours before the test and also I didnt smoke 3 days prior to the test. The ones I bought cost me 50 dollars each.