Trying to build my first grow room. Any suggestions?

Discussion in 'Growing Marijuana Indoors' started by down4it07002, Jan 21, 2010.

  1. Ok so I am building a grow room that is going to be 4'Wx6'Lx7'H. I'm going to make it out of 2x2 which i beilever will be enough and plywood. Whichi all plan on paining with white roofing paint. I already have a 400W HPS, 6in inline fan, filter, soil and a water ph tester, ph up and down, hygrometer, fan for circulation, and some big bloom. Am i going to need and intake of air on the bottom with a fan or can i just make some small ventilation low on the bottom as to not let in any light? I've also been going back and forth on wether is should use soil or go hydro. I think i am going to do my first grow with clones. I just don't know how many plants i can fit in the room. I also hope to be able to split a section off for vegging later on if there will be enogough room? Any suggestions? I plan on putting up some pictures as i get going. Hopefully the next couple of days.

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