Hi folks, This is my first real(contributing) post to the forum, hope you like it. So i was testing first as suggested the free seeds i get with the order from AMS seeds. My ordered was 10 Big Buds seeds + 20 free seeds. The whole process is in my room which is nicely position at the basement and have a good underground window with a lot of space and good air. (not much of light though) Something like this, only it is barred and with fly net on top: http://www.nachi.org/forum/attachments/f16/23976-basement-window-well-protection-window-well.jpg 2/10/2010 Got the seed package and toke 3 free seeds of the package. But then i remembered i didnt had a germination box, and started thinking of how to make one. I then got an idea to make one with the "women shoulder pads" which my mom had one for the dress or w/e dunno why the f*** women use these things, but it was good in my case so i said what the heck. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/415MBC7SF9L.jpg 3/10/2010 Wow fast germination but only two hatched, so i kept the 1 that didnt hatched in the box. Got my self a nice pot, and made some more holes around the pot for more air to let the earth/roots breath more. I bought some regular plant soil from a general store and put it in the soil. I then watered the whole pot and waited 15min for the water to run down and off the pot. Then i planted the two seeds in each corner and let them grow on their own. 4/10/2010 My plants has being rising fast then and already got the little true leaves. I Bought a nice 32W Fluorescent lamp like this one: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/42/Fluorescent_Lamp.jpg I then positioned it on my subwoofer which i dont use at the moment to get good light position above the plants. 5/10/2010 This is the pictures day They are quit tall for very young plants, i hope the leaves will get bigger. (they look kinda naked lol) I switch the plant position at night and day, at the day i put the pot in my room with the fluorescent above and at night i take the plant ouside my window for good air without the fluorescent. * I forgot the add that the seed which remain at the box have not germinated yet, do you think it will have a chance? Anything you can add will be welcome, thank you.
9/10/2010 The seedling is growing slow. We had a rain yesterday and i put it outside to get a little "clean" water. The seed which didnt sprout yet is dead i think, so i throw it to the trash can.
I thought about moving them when they bigger and in more stable condition.(in 1 month old maybe) Should i do that now?
the sooner the better especially when they are in that close proximity to each other roots grow every which way but up and they grow fast so they can get tangled and choke each other to death pretty quickly
Thnx for advice, but i decided to wait untill they get bigger to transplant them. 12/10/2010 They have two set of leaves now and look nice, but they are too much tall and the weight make them fall to the ground. Question 1: Can i ever know the strain of these plants? Question 2: How did they became so tall but so thin? How do i fix/repair it?
They are all stretched out because the light is too far away. CFLs should be 1-3" away depending on heat. Also get a stick, skewer, toothpick, something and stick it in the ground next to the stem for support. You can use a twist tie or something to hold the seedling up.
I put a stick with a hole in the middle and tide the two plants in each side. I have closed the distance of the lamp to a few centimeters from the plants. (I had to move the lamp to get good pictures) 16/10/2010 The leaves looks nice and got bigger, though the stem is still small and havnt widen.
It makes me happy when people like and is interesting in my journal I was bored and wanted to improve the light for the plants so i made a chamber from an aluminium foil and a round plastic. I bound it on the lamp with little rope and a ducting tape. Now there is alot of light on all the parts of the plants.
18/10/2010 Was sick of switching all the time from in outside to inside and the little chamber is make them too hot i think. so i toke a drawer and made it a nice place for the plant. drill a lamp to it on top. Toke aluminium foil and taped it all around. Its all open for air circulation. I wanted to buy a 2 split CFL adapter like this: LED Halogen CFL Light Bulb Lamp Adapter E27 Screw Split - eBay (item 290487258946 end time Nov-11-10 20:07:30 PST) But couldnt find it in my country at all, weird... Is it good too buy that from ebay? It is good for me right? what you say so far?
honestly you shouldn't really worry about LST till your plant has 4 nodes and the split growths on each nodes are apparent then you can beginning to see where you need to bend the plant to allow for a great super cropping
Awwww baby pics...everyone loves baby pic. Wish I had better luck with seeds. Might have to send them to you to grow instead.
hehe I am too far away for you to send them, i live in the middle east... Try the sponge/towel method, its good too. http://forum.grasscity.com/absolute-beginners/15076-germination-420-a.html good luck mate