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Trying kief for the first time tonight...

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by GBanger, Feb 6, 2011.

  1. So I just got some kief using some ghetto technique using a pill bottle and some panty hose and i'm gonna sprinkle that on some bud in a waterfall later on.. I'm not quite sure what to expect, anybody who's tried it want to give me some insight..? I've heard this shit will put you on your ass :smoke:
  2. I got a 1/2 ounce of some really good sour d kief like a week or two ago but I've already smoked most of it lol

    It will just get you really high, not like a different drug
  3. Pill bottle and panty hose? WTF?
  4. Freeze weed (if you want) put in pill bottle with panty hose strapped on, shake really hard and the kief will fall out

    ghetto screen

    btw you can get a good screen at an arts store they aren't expensive
  5. I don't see the hype about kief, I would rather just keep it on my weed instead of knocking it off to smoke it by itself.
  6. yeah,kief is good,burns faster because of more surface area exposed,it's nice~ it's nice~ :bongin:

  7. This. Tho I can understand people wanting to smoke less of the harmful shit.

    And kid, you have already tried kief....its the fucking shit on the bud that gets you high.
  8. yea, same here. if u wanna get fucked up make some hash oil, mix that with keef, then u will be stupid blowed with like 1 hit!
  9. Dont do it!! Its dangerous and gives you scurvy.:eek:
  10. I smoke kief when I'm out of bud...a small amount can usually get me blitzed for 2 hours...but I wouldn't say kief is worth any major hype above just smoking bud. Kief falls off the bud anyway..

  11. Kief is one of the many components that go into getting you high...
    Inside the bud, however, are the ingredients that stabilize your high, or rather, counter the PYSCHOACTIVE effects of the kief, which is mainly THC. Kief just gives you more of a brainy experience..
  12. Alright then... Ive been educated, but my point still stands.
  13. It'll just get you high.....

  14. I think it's safe to say that nobody on this website what's that, now do we:D
  15. what did you think the responses would be OP, of course it will get you ripped DUH!!
  16. GC = pointless threads
  17. Ive got a sharpstone 4 peice with the 'pollen catcher' haha. Most kief ive had in one hit was from 3 grams of skunk i'd ground up over a few days... You really gotta pack it and hit it right if you wanna get the most from it. Lightly pack the bottom of the bowl with a bit of bud and sprinkle the kief evenly over it..make sure you draw the hit slowly otherwise you'll pull the kief through before its been burnt/vaporised
  18. OP is acting like he has extracted some alien chemical out of his bud and is expecting something way more extravagant than he will be given.
  19. yeah,uhh,guess gonna wait an see:smoke:

    give a smoke report OP :D
  20. Smoke report coming up.. I'm about to spark it up. What's on the menu for the rest of you guys?

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