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Tryin to smoke inside w/out gettin caught

Discussion in 'Apprentice Marijuana Consumption' started by RemyKush, Feb 8, 2011.

  1. I was thinkin of using a pipe in my bathroom and steaming it up with the shower and blowin through a sploof. does that seem like a pretty safe way to get away with it
  2. if youre gonna use a sploof, blow it out the window. It's a lot easier. Then when you're done, hop in the shower. When you get out, you'll be ready to chill
  3. I always used to get maaaad paranoid while i was in the shower, because leaving it on for 20 minutes while i smoke is a little sketchy...

    just mind the time i guess, you should be good, i never got caught smoking in the shower :D
  4. #4 Cubs Guy17, Feb 8, 2011
    Last edited by a moderator: Feb 8, 2011
    Your in luck OP as I happen to be GC's resident Jamaican Hotbox expert.

    You can do one of two things, either

    A)Use a sploof


    B) JAMAICAN HOTBOX!!!!!!! :hippie:

    Making a sploof is quick and easy. All you need is an empty toilet paper roll and some dryer sheets. Pack the dryer sheets into the empty roll and then blow the smoke through and your good to go.

    Or you could go with the fun option JAMAICAN HOTBOX!!!!! :hippie:

    Now to gather your supplies:

    One (1) towel to place under each door of your bathroom doors

    One (1) bottle of your favorite body spray/anti deodorizer


    A smoking utensil of your choice


    Now that you have everything you need go into your bathroom and turn the shower on full blast as hot as it can go. Make sure to point the shower nozzle at the shower floor. This would be a good time to throw on some background music, even if its just a beat, anything will do. Place a towel at the base of the door and push it up in there all nice and tight like, but make sure not to push it under the door, so as not to arouse any suspicion. Close all vents in the bathroom at this time. When the room starts to get slightly hazy lock the door(s) and get to smoking :bongin: After your sesh turn off the shower, open a window and let it air out for 5 min and give it a quick little once over with that anti deodorizer you brought and then your golden.

    And don't forget to hop in the shower and get wet. Nothing worse then walking out of the bathroom after a shower completely dry and tipping them off you didn't actually shower

    Hope that helps you man and happy toking :smoke:
  5. take your bong into the shower with you. fill bowl up prior to getting in, when in steamy shower, fill bong up with the hot water and light up.
  6. Please use the search function.:wave:
  7. Dude no need for a sploof. Just go into the bathroom, put a towel under the door, blaze it up and then take a really hot shower. Feels so good when ur really stoned
  8. Don't forget to post in the "Just got caught" Thread. That way your story will be there with all the other inside smokers stories. :cool: :smoke:
  9. MFLB if you got 100 bucks:rolleyes:
  10. If you have a ventalation system use that it helps a ton.....shit you dont even have to take a shower if you have that just light a candle and your all good to go

  11. HA! He's got a Jamaican Hotbox Aficionado AND the rest of the GC blades behind him. I'm sure he'll be fine
  12. Ohhh Reillly. Ever read that thread I posted. Probably 30% were busted by their rents after smoking in the shower or their room using the suggestions above. :smoke:
  13. Put on a short skirt and smoke in the hallway...sure, you'll get caught, but who is going to question a guy in a short skirt?
  14. whoaa i gotta try tht

  15. Back when I lived with my parents, keep in mind my dad was 5-0 from the LAPD, I could Jamaican Hotbox with him literally 5 FEET AWAY from the door! Your 30% need to let me teach them how its done
  16. Who knows, I am glad you got away with it. But why should anyone even take the chance? They are just being a fiend or lazy.
    Perhaps your Dad just never cared about it.
    I just hate to see young blades fucking up their family relationships for something so simple to avoid. :smoke:
  17. Sploofs are bullshit and just make the room smell like fresh laundry and weed. All I do is blow the smoke out the window through a straw (so that it doesn't blow back in), and put out the bowl between hits. If you do it right, every tiny bit of smoke will go out the window, and the only thing that'll smell like weed is your breath.

  18. I wish he never cared. The day I got caught I got quite a lickin. I understand what your saying about the young blades and its a great point

  19. Absolutely nothing in this entire world beats the feeling of taking a piss and a hit of a MFLB at the same time.
  20. i know right. pretty much anything you wanna do you can do it with the mflb.

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